Version: 2017-03-28
2017 GSICS Data & Research Working Groups Meeting

Mon am Mini Conference

Chair: Dave Tobin


Coffee and Registration

9:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 1a 0:15

9:15 Paul Menzel CIMSS/SSEC Welcome to SSEC 1b 0:10

9:25 Dave Tobin CIMSS/SSEC Agenda, Announcements, etc 1c 0:05

9:30 Constantine Lukashin NASA LaRC CLARREO Pathfinder inter-calibration in reflected solar: project status 1d 0:20

9:50 Joe Taylor CIMSS/SSEC CLARREO IR Sensor, Calibration Accuracy and Traceability 1e 0:20

10:10 Dave Tobin CIMSS/SSEC CLARREO IR Intercalibration 1f 0:20


Coffee break

10:50 Tony Reale (Remote) NOAA GRUAN and GSICS 1g 0:20

11:10 Wes Berg CSU GPM(TBD) 1h 0:20

11:30 Bob Holz UW/SSEC Intercal activities and products within the Atmospheres SIPs 1i 0:20

11:50 Andy Heidinger NOAA ASPB Update on PATMOS-X products 1j 0:20

12:10 Lunch Break 1:05

Mon pm Plenary - Reports

Chair: Tim Hewison

13:15 All
Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info

13:35 Doheyong Kim KMA Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 2a 0:10

13:50 Fred Wu NOAA NOAA Agency Report 2b 0:15

14:10 Bertrand Fougnie CNES CNES Agency Report 2c 0:15

14:30 Scott Hu (Remote) CMA CMA Agency Report 2d 0:15

14:50 Rose Munro EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Agency Report 2e 0:15

15:10 Masaya Takahashi JMA JMA Agency Report 2f 0:15


Coffee break

16:00 Arata Okuyama - on behalf of JAXA JMA JAXA Agency Report 2g 0:15

16:20 Ashim Mitra IMD IMD Agency Report 2h 0:15

16:40 Munn Shukla (Remote) ISRO ISRO Agency Report 2i 0:15

17:00 Hyesook Lee KMA KMA Agency Report 2j 0:15

17:20 Jack Xiong NASA NASA Agency Report 2k 0:15

17:40 Tom Stone USGS USGS Agency Report 2l 0:15

18:00 Reception (Bar Service)
Chair : Dave Tobin

20:00 END

Tues am Plenary - Reports

Chair: Andrew Heidinger

8:30 Larry Flynn NOAA GCC Report 3a 0:30

9:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 3b 0:30

9:30 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Report 3c 0:30

10:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT GRWG IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3d 0:20

10:20 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3e 0:20


Coffee break

11:10 Rose Munro EUMETSAT GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report 3f 0:20

11:30 Ralph Ferraro (Remote) NOAA GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 3g 0:20



12:00 Lunch Break 1:00

Tues pm Plenary Briefings

Chair: Dohyeong Kim

13:10 Fred Wu NOAA Advanced next generation GEO imagers 3j 0:30

13:40 Rob Roebeling (Remote) EUMETSAT GEO-Ring test dataset - including VIS 3k 1:00

14:40 Frank Reuthrich (Remote) EUMETSAT Update on FIDUCEO to address inter-calibration requirements & formats 3l 0:20

15:00 All
CGMS-45 working paper 3p 0:20


Coffee break

15:50 Seb Wagner EUMETSAT Strategy for combining corrections for VIS/NIR+IR channels and plotting tool 3m 0:30

16:20 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Use of NWP+RTM as inter-calibration tool 3n 0:20

16:40 Masaya Takahashi GDWG Spectral Response Function file towards "GSICS Standard netCDF" 3o 0:20

17:00 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Aid Users Selection of GSICS Products 3ka 0:40

17:40 END

18:00 Working Groups' Reception:
"The University Club"

Wed am 3 parallel sessions Scroll right for GDWG + GRWG UV + Microwave Sub-Groups

Wed am GRWG: UV Sub-Group Wed am GDWG Wed am GRWG: MW Sub-Group

Chair: Rose Munro
Chair: Masaya Takahashi
Chair : Ralph Ferraro (Remote)
8:30 L. Flynn NOAA Using Version 8 Ozone Profile algorithm initial and final residuals to track calibration drift and estimate biases between instruments 4a 0:15

8:00 Martin Burgdorf (Remote)
Lunar Calibration 6a 0:25
8:45 L. Flynn NOAA Match-ups and Tagets Sites: Vicarious calibration by using statistical properties for ozone, reflectivity and aerosol index products in a latitude/longitude box over the equatorial Pacific 4b 0:15

8:25 Ed Kim
Update on JPSS-1 ATMS Calibration 6b 0:15

0:15 9:00 Jin Woo KMA GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 5a 1:00 8:40 Karsten Fennig (Remote)
Candidate GSICS products - Window Channels 6c 0:25
9:15 S. Marchenko SSAI Project on Consistency of OMI and GOME-2 HCHO retrievals: overview and preliminary results 4c 0:15

9:05 Cheng-Zhi Zou (Remote)
Candidate GSICS products - Oxygen Channels 6d 0:25
9:30 R. Lang EUMETSAT White Paper on Ground-based Characterisation of UV/Vis/NIR/SWIR spectrometers 4d 0:15 10:00 All All GSICS Documentation Discussion, classification and storage 5b 0:30 9:30 Derek Houtz
Blackbody targets - Future Reference Standard? 6e 0:30

0:15 10:30

Coffee break
0:30 10:00

Coffee break

Coffee break - Reference Solar Spectrum
0:30 11:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration GSICS servers, configuration, products meta-data pages and data access services. 5c 0:30 10:30 All - Manik Bali to lead discussion
Discussion on in-orbit references - participants prepare a single slide on potential reference insturments to stimulate subsequent discussion 6f 1:00
10:30 L. Flynn NOAA Modeling OMPS Nadir Profiler solar measurements and comparisons to reference measurements 4e 0:15 11:30 Thomas Xu CMA GSICS Collaboration Servers Synchronisation and discussion of the netCDF generation framework 5d 1:00 11:30 All - Wes Berg to lead discussion
Discussion on RTM Issues (emissivity models, water vapor bands, quality of input data, etc.) - participants prepare a single slide to stimulate subsequent discussion 6g 0:30
10:45 R. Lang EUMETSAT UVN hyper-spectral Solar reference spectra: Comparison to GOME-2 BOL and Modelling 4f 0:15

12:00 All
Session Wrap Up 6h 0:20
11:00 M. Kang Ewha Women's Uni High resolution reference solar spectrum for GEMS and TEMPO 4g 0:15

11:15 K. Sun Harvard SAO Deriving the Instrument Transfer Function from OMI Solar Observations and its Implications for Ozone Retrievals 4h 0:15

12:00 Lunch Break (Lunch Box) 0:40

Discussion and Wrap-up

12:00 Lunch Break (Lunch Box) 0:30 12:30 Lunch Break (Lunch Box) 0:30

Wed pm GRWG: IR Sub-Group Wed pm GDWG

Chair: Tim Hewison
Chair: Peter Miu

12:30 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Developing GSICS products for GEO imagers 7b 1:20 13:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA Spectral Response Function file towards 5e 1:00

Fred Wu NOAA - including diurnal cycles 7bb

"GSICS Standard netCDF": requirements

Dohyeong Kim KMA - accounting for seasonal variations 7bc


Na Xu CMA - CMA Plans for GEO-LEO IR products 7bd
14:00 Jordan Yao (Remote) NOAA GSICS Wiki Implementation overview, enhancements and future requirements. 5f 1:00

Arata Okuyama JMA - AHI IR bias diurnal & low temperature 7be

All All - new algorithms

13:50 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Developing GSICS products for LEO imagers 7c 0:40

Aisheng Wu (Remote) NASA - including VIIRS/MODIS 7c

Coffee break

Na Xu CMA - progress of FY3 GSICS System 7c
15:30 Manik Balli NOAA New GSICS product convention - MW 5g 1:00

Tim + Igor EUMETSAT - including SLSTR 7c
16:30 Manik Balli NOAA GSICS Convention for FCDR 5h 1:00


Coffee break
0:30 17:30 Jin Woo KMA Use of gitHub for GSICS developments 5i 0:30

15:00 Tim Hewison
Reference Traceability and Uncertainty 7d 1:00

- Developing Report - review actions

Tony Reale
- Comparisons with GRUAN sondes 7d

Steve Broberg (remote) JPL - AIRS error analysis ongoing activities

16:00 Chengli Qi CMA FY-3D/HIRAS Pre-launch Characterisation 7e 0:30

16:30 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Spectral Corrections - SRF retrievals 7f 0:30

17:00 Na Xu CMA Prelaunch SRF evaluation and correction 7fa 0:15

17:15 All All Discussion - Plan product development 7g 0:30

17:45 END 18:00 END

Thurs am GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Thurs am GDWG

Chair: Sebastien Wagner
Chair: Peter Miu

8:30 X. Xiong NASA Moving from Aqua MODIS to NPP VIIRS as a new GSICS reference for VNIR 8a 0:20

8:50 Tom Stone USGS Update on lunar calibration development and applications 8b 0:20

9:10 A.K. Mitra IMD Progress on lunar calibration at IMD 8c 0:20 9:00 Rob Roebeling (Remote) EUMETSAT Event logging 6a 1:00

9:30 M.Takahashi/ A.Okuyama JMA Progress on Lunar calibration at JMA 8d 0:20 10:00 Manik Bali NOAA Action tracking 6b 1:00


Discussion 8e 0:20 11:00

Coffee break


Coffee break
0:30 11:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool to support VIS/NIR products 6c 0:30

10:40 S.Wagner/ M.Takahashi EUMETSAT/ JMA Moving toward inter-calibration using the Moon as a transfer 8f 0:20

11:00 Lin Chen CMA Prelimilary results of CMA ground-based Lunar observation 8g 0:20

11:20 LCWS organisers GSICS Workshop activities 8h 0:20

11:40 X. Hu CMA Some info about the venue (TBC) 8ha 00:10

11:50 S. Wagner EUMETSAT Definition of GIRO benchmark 8i 00:10

12:00 All
Discussion 8j 00:30

12:30 Lunch Break 1:00 12:00 Lunch Break 1:00

Thurs pm GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group Thurs pm GDWG

Chair: Dave Doelling
Chair: Masaya Takahashi

13:30 Raj Bhatt NASA Customising DCC method to all AHI VIS/NIR channels 8k 0:20 13:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT Revisit of GDWG ToR - an action at EP-17 last June 6d 1:00

13:50 Seb Wagner EUMETSAT DCC Progress - extension to IODC? 8l 0:20 14:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT Future Chairing of the GDWG - overview, status and proposal to EP. 6e 0:30

14:10 Ronghua? CMA Using DCC and multiple sites to calibrate MERSI and VIRR 8m 0:20 14:30


14:30 Dohyeong Kim KMA Sensitivity of BRDF model in RTM DCC calculation 8n 00:10 14:30


14:40 Ben Scarino NASA Update on SBAF Tool - including GOME2 8o 0:20 14:30

Coffee break

15:00 Dave Doelling NASA How to transfer DCC calibration MODIS-VIIRS 8p 0:20 15:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA Future products - VNIR+IR in one GSICS Correction 6f 1:00


Coffee break
0:30 16:00 Manik Bali NOAA Product versioning 6g 0:30

15:50 X. Xiong/Chiang NASA Status of S-NPP VIIRS L1B 8q 0:20 16:30 All All Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2016/2017 6h 1:00

16:10 Kurt Thome NASA Debrief on IVOS discussion on Reference Solar Spectrum 8r 0:20 17:30


16:30 Bertrand Fougnie CNES Vicarious Calibration for Sentinel-3 & Blending methods 8s 00:30 17:30


17:00 All
Merging products DCC+Lunar 8t 0:20 17:30


17:20 All
Discussion 8u 0:20 17:30


17:40 Dave Doelling NASA Future Outlook 8v 0:20 17:30 END

18:00 END

Fri am Plenary - Briefs and De-briefs

Chair : Larry Flynn

8:30 Rob Roebeling/Tim Hewison EUMETSAT Ongoing need for Re-Analysis Corrections 9a 0:20

8:50 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 9e 0:30

GCC Action tracking 9c 0:30

9:50 Dohyeong Kim KMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 9d 0:30


Coffee break

10:40 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO WIGOS Vision/Space 2040 9b1 0:30

OSCAR/Space v.2 9b2

11:10 Ken Knapp NOAA Interaction with ISCCP 9f 1:00

12:10 Lunch Break 1:00

Fri pm Plenary - Wrap-up

Chair: Tim Hewison

13:10 Dohyeong Kim KMA Workshop on best practices on pre-flight and onboard calibration 9g 0:20

13:30 Manik Bali GCC GSICS Quarterly Special Issues/Editors 9h 0:20

13:50 Larry Flynn EUMETSAT Format for future GRWG/GDWG meetings + Users Workshops 9i 0:45

14:35 All
Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 9j 0:20

14:55 All
Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 9k 0:20

15:15 All
Any Other Business 9l 0:45

16:00 END