GSICS Annual Meeting 2023

27th Feb - 3rd March 2023

NCWCP , College Park, MD, USA

Plenary Mini Conference

Chair: Fangfang Yu, NOAA

Time Topic Presenter

7:30 Coffee, posters and orientation

8:30 GSICS Welcome Mitch Goldberg, NOAA

8:40 NOAA Welcome Doug Howard,NOAA

8:50 Intro. to Mini Conference Fangfang Yu,NOAA

9:00 Logistics information Larry Flynn,NOAA

9:10 Monitoring of FY-3E Instruments' performances using RTM and NWP data Fangli Dou,CMA

9:30 Feedback MODIS to VIIRS L2 Products Continuity (TBD) Robert Levy, NASA

9:50 QA4EO : Applying metrological principles Emma Woolliams, NPL


10:40 Developing QA4EO: Comparisons as a system and steps towards metrological approaches Emma Woolliams, NPL

11:10 Planning Continuity for Critical Earth Observations Betsy Weatherhead, Jupiter

11:30 OCO-2/3: Unique Challenges of Trace Gas Spectrometers Rob Rosenberg, NASA

11:55 The CO2M mission - overview and status of Cal/Val planning Ruediger Lang, EUMETSAT

13:30 NOAA-21 cal/val overview Changyon Cao, NOAA

13:50 ESA Cal/Val Strategy for Optical Land-Imaging Satellites: Overall Approach and Pathway towards Interoperability Fabrio Niro, ESA

14:10 The error budget for satellite radiance assimilation Andrew Collard, NOAA

14:30 CRTM science updates and accuracy improvements for satellite-based sensor simulation Ben Johnson, NOAA


15:20 Image Navigation and Registration Assessment for ABI at NOAA STAR Vladimir Kondratovich, UMD

15:40 Merging satellite data to create long-term records Betsy Weatherhead, Jupiter

16:00 MICMICS: an advanced infrastructure dedicated to the radiometric monitoring of EUMETSAT-operated missions Mounir Lekouara, EUMETSAT

16:20 Feedback from ISCCP-NG Andrew Heidinger, NOAA


Plenary Agency Reports Session

UVN Spectrometer Break Out Session

Chair: FangFang Yu: Minutes:

Chair: Larry Flynn: Minutes:

Time Agency Presenter

Time Title Presenter

7:30 NOAA Agendy Report Larry Flynn(NOAA)

13:30 CMA OMS pre-launch calibration & instrument performance Yuan Li, CMA (Remote)

7:35 CMA Agency Report Chengli Qi, CMA (remotely)

13:45 TropoMI Calibration Melanie Coldewey-Egbers, DLR (Remote)

7:50 CNES Agency Report Elsa Jacquette, CNES (remotely)

14:00 Changes in observed straylight in TROPOMI Antje Ludewig, KNMI (Remote)

8:05 JAXA Agency Report Hiroshi Murakami, JAXA (remotely)

14:15 GOME-2 End of Life tests Alessandra Cacciari, EUMETSAT (Remote)

8:20 ISRO Agency Report Pradeep Thapliyal, ISRO (remotely)

14:30 ESA FDR4ATMOS project Melanie Coldewey-Egbers DLR (Remote)

8:35 WMO Heikki Pohjola,WMO (remotely)

14:45 OMPS Calibration Banghua Yan, NOAA

8:50 IMD Agency Report Ashim Mitra, IMD (remotely)

15:00 GEMS Calibration and Solar Mijin Eo, EWHA

9:05 JMA Report Arata OKUYAMA, JMA

15:15 EPIC Calibration Jay Herman (Remote)

9:20 EUMETSAT Report Mounir Lekouara, EUMETSAT

15:30 Break

9:35 ESA Report Philippe Goryl ,ESA (Remotely/recorded)

15:45 TEMPO Calibration Xiong Liu, CFA (Remote)

9:50 KMA Report Jiyong Kim, KMA

16:00 OMI and TropoMI V2 solar records Sergey Marchenko, SSAI/NASA


16:15 Inter-calibration approaches for GEMS Yeeun Lee, EWHA

10:30 NASA Agency Report Jack Xiong, NASA

16:30 OCO-3/GEMS XCO2 and NO2 Near-Simultaneous Observations Thomas Kurosu, NASA/JPL (Remote)

10:45 NIST Agency Report Stephen Maxwell, NIST

16:45 V8TOz as a transfer standard Larry Flynn, NOAA

11:15 NOAA Agency Report Fred Wu, NOAA

12:15 USGS Tom Stone, USGS

12:30 Proposed revision of GSICS Product Class to include VNIR channels and new GEO-LEO IR algorithms Tim Hewison/Seb Wagner , EUMETST (remotely)

12:45 Requirements for GSICS Plotting Tool to accommodate revision product classes Tim Hewison,EUMETSAT

IR Breakout Session

Space Weather Break Out Session

Chair: Likun Wang

Chair: Tsutomu Nagatsuma: Minutes: xxx

 Time Title Presenter

Time Title Presenter

14:00 ESA Assets and Intercalibration Capability Piers Jiggens ESA (Remote)

8:00 GSICS IR Group Activities and Future Plan Likun Wang, UMD

14:15 Space Weather Observation related to SWARM and SMOS missions Raffaele Crapolicchio ESA (Remote)

Sensor Calibration and Status

14:30 Intercalibration of electron flux measurements, on-going results and lessons-learnt Ingmar Sandberg SPARC

8:10 FY-4B/AGRI accuracy and monitoring Xingwei He/Zhiwei Wang , CMA (remotely)

14:45 Space Weather Products for the Satellite Industry Terry Onsager NOAA (remote)

8:30 FY-3/HIRAS and FY-4/GIIRS status and future plan Lu Lee (R)

15:00 Cross Calibration between Himawari-8/SEDA and GOES-16/SEISS Tsutomu Nagatsuma NICT

8:50 Main Outcome of the IASI-A End of life activities Dorothee Coppens, EUMETSAT (R)

15:15 Seasonal and yearly intercomparison results of electron flux between geostationary satellites Dae-Hyeon Oh KMA (remote)

9:10 GEO-GEO Radiance Inter-Calibration of INSAT-3D with MSG-SEVIRI P Rawat & Pradeep Thapliyal, ISRO (Remotely)

15:30 FY-3E/X-EUVI calibration improvements and applications Qiao Song/Jinping DUn CMA (remote)

9:30 10 minutes Coffee break

15:45 Initial observation with the TriIPM on the FY3E satellite Qian Song CMA (remote)

Inter-calibration Algorithms

16:00 About Space Weather Subgroup Tsutomu Nagatsuma NICT

9:40 GEO-LEO thermal emissive bands comparison method Tiejun Chang and Jack Xiong, NASA

16:15 Discussion

10:00 SNO analysis of AIRS/IASI/CrIS Dave Tobin, UW

10:20 GEO-LEO algorithm v2 Tim Hewison, EUMETSAT

10:40 Discussion: Moving Forward for inter-calibration Algorithms All

GDWG Breakout Session

11:00 10 minutes Coffee break

Chair: Kamaljit Ray Minutes: Manik Bali/Paolo Castrane

Climate Data Records

Title Presenter

11:10 IASI L1 CDR new release Bertrand Theodore, EUMETSAT (remotely)

8:30 Welcome Message Kamaljit Ray ( Chair GDWG)

11:30 SSU CDR status and Future Plan of Merging with AIRS and CrIS Cheng-Zhi Zou, NOAA

9:00 CMA GDWG Report Tian Lin (Remote)

Lunch Time (1200-1330)

9:15 IMD GDWG Report Kamaljit Ray

GEO-GEO Inter-calibration

9:30 ESA GDWG Report Paolo Castrane

13:30 GEO-GEO analysis of Himawari-8/9 parallel observation K. Kodera and A. okuyama, JMA

10:15 JMA GDWG Report Arata Okuyama

13:50 GEO-GEO inter-comparison for GOES ABI IR channels Fangfang Yu,NOAA

10:30 KMA GDWG Report Tae-Hyeong OH

14:10 GEO-GEO inter-calibration algorithm with Parallax Correction Likun Wang, UMD

10:45 Landing Pages Rob Roebeling

14:30 Discussion: Moving Forward for GEO-GEO inter-calibration ALL

11:00 NOAA Report Manik Bali (UMD)

10 Minutes Coffee Break

11:15 Discussion [ White Paper ] Manik Bali (UMD)

Inter-calibration Research

15:00 LEO-LEO: SLSTR+AVHRR results Tim Hewison, EUMETSAT

15:20 Straylight Rejection for ABI 3.7 um channel Hui Xu & Fred (Xiangqian) Wu, NOAA

15:40 Progress Report ICVS activities related to GSICS Ninghai Sun

16:00 Validation of a model of the disk-integrated Lunar radiance in the thermal IR channels Martin Jörg Burgdorf, U Hamburg

16:20 Summary of 3.9 channel inter-calibration bias Likun Wang, UMD

16:40 Wrap Likun Wang, UMD

VIS/NIR Breakout Session

Microwave Breakout Session
2 March 2023 / Microwave Breakout Session

Chair: Dave Doelling

Chair: Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu

Time Title Presenter

Time Tiltle Presenter

New channel and sensor calibration Session

7:30 Opening Address to MW Subgroup Attendees Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu [P]

7:30 FY-3E/SIM-II on-orbit performance Jin Qi, CMA

Technical Presentations

7:50 SNPP/NOAA20 VIIRS performance Jack Xiong, NASA

7:35 SI-Traceable Microwave TB Targets Development at BIRMM Chunyue Cheng [P] (BIRMM)


7:50 Calibration improvement of MWTS on FY-3D and FY-3E Juyang Hu [P] (CMA)

Multi-Sensor Continuity/Harmonization Session

8:05 FY-3E/WindRAD instrument status and calibration accuracy evaluation Mei Yuan [P](CMA)

8:20 CLARREO status Raj Bhatt, NASA

8:25 Atmospheric humidity and temperature sounding from the CubeSat TROPICS mission John Yang [P] (UMD)

8:40 TRUTHS status and CEOS WGCV summary Thorsten Fehr, ESA

8:45 NOAA-21 ATMS Performance Report Ninghai Sun [P] (NOAA)

9:00 FDR4VGT: towards a 20+ years harmonised data record of land surface reflectances derived from VGT-1, VGT-2 and Proba-V sensors Marta Luffarelli, Rayfrence

8:55 TROPICS lunar data processing Juliana Chew [P]NOAA (MIT/LL)

9:20 GOES-FCDR Jessica Matthews, NOAA

Past Status and Accomplishments

9:40 MODIS and VIIRS cloud property retrieval continuity Kerry Meyer, NASA

9:05 ESA microwave activities - GSICS 2023 report Raffaele Crapolicchio [P] (ESA/ESRIN Serco)

10:00 Impact analysis of new JMA atmospheric reanalysis data on the vicarious calibration by RTM using water clouds Misaki EIKI, JMA

Open Action Review

Coffee Break

9:35 Review of past year open action items Siena Iacovazzi [P]

Visible and DCC calibration strategies

Planning for the Year

10:40 Radiance Comparison from OCO-3 and OCO-2 Simultaneous Nadir Observations (SNOs) Thomas Kurosu, NASA/JPL

10:00 Individual agency contributions to MW Subgroup Qifeng Lu [FD]

11:00 Moving from MODIS to VIIRS: evolutions of EUMETSAT implementation of the GSICS DCC algorithm Seb Wagner, EUMETSAT

10:15 Collaboration between agencies as part of the MW Subgroup Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu [FD]

11:20 Evaluation using the DCC & Ray-matching method and SNPP & N20/VIIRS through parallel observation of Himawari-8/9 Kazuki KODERA, JMA

10:45 Establishing MW Subgroup GSICS products Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu [FD]

11:40 Discussion of GSICS DCC VIS calibration to GSICS product Dave Doelling,NASA

11:15 GSICS MW Subgroup Meetings and/or Workshop Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu [FD]

12:10 Lunch

11:25 MW Subgroup Co-Chair changes Qifeng Lu and Mark Liu

GSICS DCC product strategy Session

11:30 MW Breakout Session Adjourns

13:30 Implementation of the GSICS DCC NIR methodology to product Raj Bhatt, NASA

Hybrid Meeting Virtual Attendance Information

Lunar Session

14:00 EUMETSAT activities in 2022: outcome of the measurement campaign with S3 and MSG1 end-of-life tests Seb Wagner, EUMETSAT

14:20 Status of the Lunar Irradiance Model of ESA (LIME) Agnieszka Bialek, ESA

14:40 Using the Moon for MODIS and VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Inter-comparison Jack Xiong, NASA

15:00 Coffee Break

15:20 air-LUSI - First Operational Campaign Kevin Turpie, NASA

15:40 Lunar Calibration Activities at USGS-EROS Sandy Preaux, USGA

16:00 ARCSTONE InVEST project Costy Lukashin, NASA

16:20 Comparing SLIMED with GIRO using ABI Bikash Basnet, NOAA

16:40 Discussion: Implementing SLIM as a GSICS lunar model All

16:40 Introduction – functional requirements and modular approach T. Stone (USGS), H.Kieffer (Cel. Reasonings

Time Title Presenter

7:30 GDWG Report Kamaljit Ray (IMD)

7:45 GRWG IR Report Likun Wang (UMD/NOAA)

8:00 GRWG MW Report Qifeng Lu (CMA) and Mark Liu (NOAA)

8:15 GRWG Vis/NIR Report Dave Doelling (NASA)

8:30 GRWG SWx Report Tsutomu Nagatsuma (NICT)

8:45 GRWG UVN Report Larry Flynn (NOAA)

9:00 GCC Report Larry Flynn (NOAA)

9:15 Users' Workshop Larry Flynn (NOAA)

9:30 New Action Items & Items that can be closed Manik Bali (UMD/NOAA)

10:00 Next meeting and chairs Fangfang Yu (UMD/NOAA)

10:15 4th Joint GSICS/IVOS lunar calibration workshop Seb Wagner (Eumetsat Remote)

11:00 GSICS and CEOS WGCV Philippe Goryl (remotely)

12:00 OSCAR Workshop and Landing Pages Manik Bali (UMD/NOAA)