netcdf gsics-geoleovnir-template { dimensions: chan = 1 ; chan_strlen = 5 ; method_strlen = 5 ; validity = 2 ; // VALIDITY START AND END method = 2 ; // BLEND, DCC date = UNLIMITED ; // (3 currently) variables: float central_wavelength(chan) ; central_wavelength:long_name = "nominal channel central wavelength" ; central_wavelength:standard_name = "sensor_band_central_radiation_wavelength" ; central_wavelength:units = "m" ; central_wavelength:valid_max = 1.5e-05f ; central_wavelength:valid_min = 3.e-06f ; char channel_name(chan, chan_strlen) ; channel_name:long_name = "channel identifier" ; channel_name:standard_name = "sensor_band_identifier" ; double date(date) ; date:bounds = "validity_period" ; date:calendar = "gregorian" ; date:long_name = "date of evaluation" ; date:standard_name = "time" ; date:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ; char method_name(method, method_strlen) ; method_name:long_name = "method identifier" ; method_name:standard_name = "method_name" ; float mon_official_offset(date, chan) ; mon_official_offset:_FillValue = -999.f ; mon_official_offset:long_name = "official calibration offset" ; mon_official_offset:units = "W m-2 sr-1 um-1" ; mon_official_offset:valid_max = 100.f ; mon_official_offset:valid_min = -100.f ; float mon_official_slope(date, chan) ; mon_official_slope:_FillValue = -999.f ; mon_official_slope:long_name = "official calibration slope" ; mon_official_slope:units = "W m-2 sr-1 um-1" ; mon_official_slope:valid_max = 2.f ; mon_official_slope:valid_min = -2.f ; float mon_offset(date, chan, method) ; mon_offset:_FillValue = -999999.f ; mon_offset:long_name = "calibration offset with respect to reference instrument" ; mon_offset:units = "W m-2 sr-1 um-1" ; mon_offset:valid_max = 100.f ; mon_offset:valid_min = -100.f ; float mon_slope(date, chan, method) ; mon_slope:_FillValue = -999999.f ; mon_slope:long_name = "calibration slope with respect to reference instrument" ; mon_slope:units = "W m-2 sr-1 um-1" ; mon_slope:valid_max = 2.f ; mon_slope:valid_min = -2.f ; double validity_period(date, validity) ; validity_period:calendar = "gregorian" ; validity_period:long_name = "correction validity period" ; validity_period:standard_name = "time" ; validity_period:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ; float weight_method(date, chan, method) ; weight_method:_FillValue = -999999.f ; weight_method:long_name = "weight of the methods used for the blend in each channel" ; weight_method:units = "1" ; weight_method:valid_max = 1.f ; weight_method:valid_min = 0.f ; // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table (Version 19, 22 March 2012)"; :project = "Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System "; :title = "TITLE MENTIONING THE PRODUCT TYPE, MONITORED, AND REFERENCE INSTRUMENTS"; :summary = "SUMMARY TEXT"; :keywords = "GSICS, satellite, remote sensing, inter-calibration, ONE OF ('reanalysis correction', 'near real time correction'), GEO-LEO-VNIR, MONITORED INSTRUMENT, REFERENCE INSTRUMENT, infrared"; :references = "DOCUMENTATION URL"; :institution = "NAME OF DATA PRODUCER'S ORGANIZATION"; :license = "Information delivered as a GSICS product is generated in accordance with the GSICS principles and practices. GSICS products are public and may be used and redistributed freely. Any publication using GSICS products should acknowledge both GSICS and the relevant data creator organization. Neither the data creator, nor the data publisher, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information."; :naming_authority = "REVERSE DNS OF YOUR DOMAIN"; :creator_name = "DATA PRODUCER'S DEPARTMENT/OFFICE"; :creator_email = "DATA PRODUCER'S CONTACT EMAIL"; :creator_url = "DATA PRODUCER'S WEBSITE"; :wmo_data_category = 30; // type short :wmo_international_data_subcategory = 4; // short: "4" FOR NRTC DATA, "5" FOR RAC DATA :local_data_subcategory = 3; // short: "3" FOR GEO-LEO-VNIR, "4" FOR LEO-LEO-VNIR :geospatial_lat_min = "SOUTHERNMOST LATITUDE"; // float, please remove doulbe quotation mark :geospatial_lat_max = "NORTHERNMOST LATITUDE"; // float :geospatial_lon_min = "WESTERNMOST LONGITUDE"; // float :geospatial_lon_max = "EASTERNMOST LONGITUDE"; // float :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"; :processing_level = "ONE OF ('demonstration', 'preoperational', 'operational')/vMAJOR.MINOR.REVISION"; :monitored_instrument = "SATELLITE INSTRUMENT"; :monitored_instrument_code = "WMO_SATELLITE_CODE WMO_INSTRUMENT_CODE"; :reference_instrument = "SATELLITE INSTRUMENT"; :reference_instrument_code = "WMO_SATELLITE_CODE WMO_INSTRUMENT_CODE"; :date_created = "FILE CREATION TIME IN YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"; :date_modified = "FILE MODIFICATION TIME IN YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"; :history = "VALUE OF DATE_MODIFIED PROCESSING SOFTWARE RUNTIME PARAMETERS"; :id = "FILE'S NAME"; :time_coverage_start = "MINIMUM OF THE VALIDITY_PERIOD VARIABLE AS YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"; :time_coverage_end = "MAXIMUM OF THE VALIDITY_PERIOD VARIABLE AS YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"; :window_period = "P-XXD+XXD"; // FOR GEO-LEO-VNIR RAC, "P-XXD+0D" FOR GEO-LEO-VNIR NRTC (depends on each GPRC's definition); :atbd_doi = "DOI_NAME"; // Optional :product_doi = "DOI_NAME"; // Optional :srf_url = "SRF (netCDF) URL"; // Optional }