GRWG/WGCV-IVOS Web Meeting 2017-02-14

Web Meeting on Reference Solar Spectrum


  1. Steven Dewitte RMIB, Solar reference spectra from the Solspec instruments
    - Data file and graph of the reference spectrum can be found in

  2. Greg Kopp will discuss his 3 submitted solar spectra.

  3. Margit Haberreiter, SSI composite, which was developed within the European FP7 project SOLID
    The latest SSI composite can be found at
    Pre-print of the revised and resubmitted paper describing the details of the new observational SSI composite developed during the SOLID project.

  4. Odele Coddington, The reference solar spectrum of the solar irradiance climate data record: tsi-ssi_v02r00_reference-spectra_c20151019.txt

As we get closer to the date of the web meeting, we will set up a web page with an updated agenda and email a reminder.

If you would like to present please email

A summary of the previous GSICS/CEOS Reference Solar Spectrum web meeting is provided here:


Guest Chair: Dave Doelling

CMA: Yuan Li

CQC: Fabio Vescovi

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Rose Munro, Sebastien Wagner, Rüdiger Lang

ESS: Thijs Krijger

IUP Bremen: Mark Weber, Klaus Bramstadt, Tina Tilbig

JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Arata Okuyama

LASP: Greg Kopp, Odele Coddington

NASA: Dave Doelling, Kurt Thome, Matthew Deland

NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Larry Flynn, Borayanna Efremova, Fred Wu, Manik Bali

NPL: Nigel Fox

PMOD/WRC: Margit Haberreiter, Werner Schmutz

RMIB: Steven Dewitte

U. Orléans: Thierry Dudok de Wit

Nichole Morgan




Action: ??

“SOlar FOrcing for CLimate Simulations-SOFOCLES”
Topic revision: r6 - 13 Mar 2017, TimHewison
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