GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2019-08-22

GSICS Web Meeting on Hyperspectral Sounder Updates and Inter-Comparison

This webmeeting held at 7:00-8:30AM EST on Thursday Aug 22 2019 (check your time here) is to update hyperspectral sounder status as well as recent progress on inter-comparison, including AIRS, CrIS, IASI, IRAS, GIIRS, using SNO, double difference (from other transfer radiometers and model calculations), or other methods. On a way forward, how do we address these differences for community that often uses hypersperctral sounders as references wil be discussed.


  1. Likun Wang (NOAA Affiliate) – Introduction (5 Min)
  2. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - White paper and presentation on workshop on SI-Traceable Space-based Climate Observing System (10 min)
  3. Laura Le Barbier (CNES) - IASI-C performances and Inter-comparison (with IASI-A, B, AIRS and CrIS (15 min)
  4. Dave Tobin (UW) - CrIS updates and Inter-comparison results (15 min)
  5. Qiang Guo (CMA) - FY4/GIIRS Performance and Inter-comparison results (15 min)
  6. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - New analysis of the IASI-A/B double differences wrt SEVIRI (10 minutes)


Guest Chair: Likun Wang

CMA: Qiang Guo

CNES: Laura Le Barbier

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison

IMD: ??

ISRO: ??

JAXA: ??


Arata Okuyama, Yusuke Yogo and Kazuki Kodera

KMA: Minju Gu

NASA: Ben Scarino

NIST: ??

NOAA: Likun Wang, Manik Bali, Fangfang Yu

ROSHYDROMET: Alexey Rublev

USGS: ??

WMO: ??

UMD: Hui Xu

UW: David Tobin




Action: ??

Meeting Information

Meeting link:
Meeting number:
736 905 613
Password: gsics
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Access code: 736 905 613

Topic revision: r8 - 24 Aug 2019, LikunWang
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