Review of GOES-16/17 CrIS -SNPP/J1 IASI B/C product

On Jan 19 2021 NESDIS ( Fangfang Yu) submitted intercalibration products for review

There are six products
  • GOES-16 Vs SNPP-CrIS
  • GOES-16 Vs J1-CrIS
  • GOES-16 Vs IASI-B
  • GOES-16 Vs IASI-C
  • GOES-17 Vs IASI-B
  • GOES-17 Vs IASI-C

Decision: Director GCC, Larry Flynn accepted the products in Pre-Op maturity under the family of instruments clause of the GPPA. The products are now on the GSICS product Catalog

Application of GPPA

Apply family of instruments clause

The family of instrument clause states the following. ( Ref: here )

It is proposed that ...A correction NRT/RAC product can directly be accepted in the Pre-Op phase if

1. The product is created routinely :
Product is routinely produces at the thredds server and distributed via the thredds server

2. It follows the GSICS format ( filenaming and metadata ):

Response: Product follows filenaming and meta data conventions ( See below email exchange with Peter Miu and Tim Hewison ( GRWG/GPAT members ) for his advice. Author made the required changes. Further the meta data was confirmed to follow GSICS guidelines and NetCDF version was shown to be NetCDF 3. Google Colab Notebooks were able to plot the data variables, tether into time series and apply correction coefficients.

3. The product is made from family of instruments that already create an existing data that has been accepted in the GSICS via the GPPA:
The authors already have GSICS products in pre-op status. GOES-12/13/15 Vs IASI-A/AIIRS. This time they have generated GOES-16 and GOES-17 along the similar lines. GOES-16/17 are very advanced instruments as has been discussed in the community and are extremely stable. Detailed stability charts are and


Google Colab Notebook for GOES-16/17 product are here

Email exchange with Peter Miu and Tim Hewison on filenaming below

Decision : GCC Director Larry Flynn

Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal

Thu, Mar 25, 3:19 PM


I approve the six products for acceptance into the GSCIS Catalog at Pre-Operational maturity.

I will report this action to the full EP at the Annual Meeting Next week.

Please add the link to the review to the backup slides in the GCC presentation.

Fangfang and Fred,
Congratulations on the new GSCIS products. They will serve the ABI team and wider community well in tracking the (small) ABI biases.

Larry Flynn, GCC DIrector

RE: GSICS Filenames


Peter Miu <>

Wed, Mar 3, 6:08 AM

to me, Tim, Fangfang, Larry

Hi Fangfang,

As described in the other e-mail, the filename requires “_demo”, “_preop” or blank depending on the maturity of the product i.e. in what PPA phase it is in.



From: Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate <>
Sent: Friday 26 February 2021 04:34
To: Tim Hewison <>; Fangfang Yu - NOAA Affiliate <>
Cc: Peter Miu <>; Larry Flynn <>
Subject: Re: GSICS Filenames

WARNING: This email originated outside the organisation. Treat links and attachments with caution.

Hi Fangfang,

So this flag is Optional. As is clear from Pete's point, that keeping it might help you in housekeeping and putting it in the right directory, on the other hand not keeping it might help you in reducing overhead when your data goes operational becaus then you would not have to change this flag.

Decide and let us know.



Hi Manik,

The GSICS netCDF convention does not require operational products to include this field in their filenames. We do not have it in the current operational products for SEVIRI.



in.ManikBali - 25 Mar 2021

This topic: Development > WebHome > Reviewg1617crisiasi
Topic revision: 12 Apr 2021, ManikBali
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