Deliverable-3: Spectral Response Functions used in GIRO

by Masaya Takahashi (m_takahashi (AT) , JMA

1.Objective of the Deliverable ( e.g why the Group/Subgroup/Community
needs it etc)
To support GSICS activities such as Lunar Calibration using GIRO (GSICS
Implementation of the ROLO model)

2.How it was created
GDWG Chair basically has created based on users' requests, but some users
also generate the files by themselves by referring the following
Convention or document.

3. How to use it
To use as an input file to execute GIRO and other applications for GSICS

4. References:

SRF File Metada Convention detailed on this link below:

Document for GIRO:

5. Deliverable Location
Topic revision: r3 - 29 Sep 2021, ManikBali
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