2019 GSICS Data & Research Working Groups Annual Meeting, Frascati

Meeting websites on ESA GSICS Wiki

Mon am Mini Conference

Chair: Philippe Goryl, Minutes: Fabrizio Niro

8:10 Coffee and Registration

8:25 Mitch Goldberg NOAA GSICS

8:30 Philippe Goryl and Nicolaus Hanowski ESA Welcome address 1a 0:05

8:35 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Introduction to Mini Conference & GSICS 1b 0:15

8:50 Jerome Bouffard ESA Logistics information 1c 0:10

9:00 Henri Laur ESA ESA EO Programme 1d 0:30

9:30 Pascal Lecomte ESA ESA CCI (Climate Change Initiative) Programme 1e 0:15

9:45 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu NOAA GOES-16/-17 ABI Calibration Performance and Updates 1f 0:15

10:00 Philippe Goryl ESA Fiducial Reference Measurements Concept 1g 0:15

10:15 Jonas Von Bismarck ESA Aeolus Mission Status 1h 0:20


Coffee break


1i 0:20

11:20 Jerome Bouffard ESA Toward FCDR and uncertainties information for Altimetry 1j 0:20

11:40 Stefan Adriaensen VITO Lunar Calibration Update 1k 0:20

12:00 Bill Bell ECMWF ECMWF Copernicus Activities Related to Inter-calibration 1l 0:30

12:30 Nigel Fox NPL Quality Assurance for EO and CEOS Activities 1m 0:30

13:00 Lunch Break 1:00

Mon pm Plenary: Agency Reports

Chair: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu, Minutes: Doheong Kim

14:00 All
Round Table Introductions + Logistics Info 2a 0:20

14:20 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Agree Agenda & Minute Taking 2b 0:10

ESA ESA Agency Report 2c 0:15

CMA CMA Agency Report 2d 0:15

15:00 Clemence Pierangelo CNES CNES Agency Rerpot 2e 0:15

15:15 Rose Munro EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Agency Report 2f 0:15

15:30 Alexey Rublev ROSHYDROMET ROSHYDROMET Agency Report 2g 0:15

15:45 Pradeep Thapliyal ISRO ISRO Agency Report 2h 0:15


Coffee break

16:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA JMA Agency Report 2i 0:15

KMA KMA Agency Report 2j 0:15

17:00 Xiaoxiong (Jack) Xiong NASA NASA Agency Report 2k 0:15

17:15 Stephen Maxwell NIST NIST Agency Report 2l 0:15

NOAA NOAA Agency Report 2m 0:15

ROSCOSMOS ROSCOSMOS Agency Report 2n 0:15

18:00 ? IMD IMD Agency Report 2o 0:15

USGS USGS Agency Report 2p 0:15

18:30 Ice Breaker 2:00

20:30 END

Tues am Plenary - Reports

Chair: Fangfang Yu, Minutes: Fred Wu

8:30 Larry Flynn NOAA GCC Report 3a 0:20

8:50 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA GRWG Report 3b 0:20

9:10 Hiroshi Murakami JAXA JAXA Agency Report 3c 0:15

9:25 Likun Wang NOAA GRWG IR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3d 0:20

9:45 Dave Doelling NASA GRWG VIS-NIR Sub-Group Briefing Report 3e 0:20


Coffee break

10:35 Rose Munro EUMETSAT GRWG UV Sub-Group Briefing Report & Introducing Special Session on Strategy for inter-calibration of SWIR spectrometers 3f 0:20

10:55 Ralph Ferraro NOAA GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Briefing Report 3g 0:20

11:15 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Report 3h 0:20

11:35 All

11:55 Lunch Break 1:00

Tues pm Plenary Cross-cutting Topics

Special session on re-calibration/re-processing - Chair: Tim Hewison, Minutes: Seb Wagner

12:55 Rob Roebeling EUMETSAT FIDUCEO Summary 3i 0:20

13:15 Rob Roebeling EUMETSAT GEO-Ring: SCOPE-CM/IOGEO 3j 0:20

13:35 Masaya Takahashi JMA Re-calibrating WV/IR channels of GMS/MTSAT imagers using HIRS/2, AIRS, and IASI 3k 0:20

13:55 Ken Knapp NOAA Inter-calibration for climate monitoring system - collaboration with ISCCP 3l 0:20

14:15 Sirish Uprety NOAA NOAA S-NPP/VIIRS v2 Processing 3m 0:20

14:35 Scott Hu CMA CMA's recalibration/reprocessing activities 3n 0:20

14:55 Roger Saunders UKMO Long-term calibration monitoring using UKMO NWP 3o 0:20

15:15 All
Discussion 3p 0:20


Coffee break

Chair: Toshiyuki Kurino/Mitch Goldberg, Minutes: Manik Bali

16:05 Masaya Takahashi JMA GSICS Annual Report - way forward (e.g. incl. LEO and reference instruments) 3q 0:20

16:25 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO WMO CIMO Guide Updating; PART III: Space-based observation 3r 0:20

16:45 Manik Bali and Masaya Takahashi NOAA/JMA GSICS Deliverable and GSICS Server Upgrade - requirements for new deliverables 3s 0:20

17:05 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO New WMO GSICS Portal website 3t 0:20


Transfer to Dinner Place

18:25 Working Groups' Dinner 2:00

20:25 END

Wed am GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group
Wed am GRWG: MW Sub-Group
Wed am GDWG

Chair: Tom Stone, Minutes: Sebastien Wager

Chair: Ralph Ferraro/Manik Bali, Minutes: Cheng-Zhi Zou

Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu
8:30 Taichiro Hashiguchi RESTEC Evaluation of GCOM-C/SGLI Lunar Calibration Using GIRO 4a 0:20
8:30 Ralph Ferraro NOAA Round Table Introduction, Objectives, Agenda 5a 0:10
08:30 Masaya Takahashi JMA Round Table Introduction + GDWG Actions Review 6a 0:30
8:50 Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Sentinel-3 lunar acquisitions 4b 0:20
8:40 Raffaele Crapolicchio ESA SMOS Cal/Val Activities 5b 0:15
9:00 Alexander Uspensky ROSHYDROMET New Russian Cal/Val portal on meteorological satellite instruments and products 6b 0:20
9:10 Kevin Turpie UMBC, NASA air-LUSI: Measuring Lunar Spectral Irradiance from a High-altitude Aircraft 4c 0:20
8:55 Roberto Sabia ESA SMOS Geophysical Products 5c 0:15
9:20 Jin Woo KMA GDWG Baseline Reviews - website, products metadata and structures 6c 0:30
9:30 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Update on Lunar Measurements in China 4d 0:20
9:10 Bill Bell ECMWF EU's C3S 5d 0:15
9:50 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO New WMO GSICS Portal 6d 0:40
9:50 Fangfang Yu NOAA Lunar Calibration of GOES-16/17 ABI 4f 0:20
9:25 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT MetOp-C AMSU-A/MHS Status 5e 0:10

Coffee break
10:10 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu NOAA Prototype for MTF Using the Moon + Discussion 4e 0:20
9:35 Ed Kim NASA NOAA-20 ATMS Status 5f 0:15
11:00 Masaya Takahashi JMA GSICS Convention for Spectral Response Function files 6e 0:20

Coffee Break
9:50 Misako Kachi JAXA AMSR-2/AMSR-3 Update 5g 0:15
11:00 Peter Miu EUMETSAT How EUMETSAT’s pathfinder activities would benefit GSICS 6f 0:40
11:00 Stefan Adriaensen VITO Lunar Irradiance Measurements and Modeling Using an Aerosol Photometer 4g 0:20
10:05 Ed Kim NASA MW Calibration Targets 5h 0:20
11:40 All All Discussion 6g 0:20
11:20 Odele Coddington LASP TSIS-1 total and spectral solar irradiance observations 4h 0:20

Coffee Break
12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00
11:40 Tom Stone USGS Solar Spectra for Vis/NIR Calibration 4i 0:20
10:45 Jeiying He and Qifeng Lu NSSC/CAS Joint activities with CEOS: Initial progress and example from FY3-MWHS2 5i 0:20
Wed pm GDWG
12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00
11:05 Shengli Wu NSMC/CMA FY-3 MWRI - Calibration and time series record 5j 0:15

Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu
Wed pm GRWG: VIS/NIR Sub-Group
11:20 Cheng-Zhi Zou NOAA Possible MW sounder references and their use for re-calibration of other satellites 5k 0:15
14:00 Mirko Albani ESA CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) 6h 0:30

Chair: Dave Doelling, Minutes: Raj Bhatt
11:35 Ralph Ferraro NOAA Review of Action Items/Ongoing Activities - Session will be a 'round table' addressing each action item - briefings by actionee expected 5l 0:10
14:30 Andrea Della Vecchia / Damiano Guerrucci ESA ESA Collaborative Environment for Cal/Val 6i 0:30
14:00 Jack Xiong NASA MODIS/VIIRS VIS/NIR calibration status 4j 0:20
11:45 Bomin Sun/Cheng-Zhi Zou NOAA Progress with GRUAN observations 5m 0:15
15:00 Rob Rebeling EUMETSAT Event Loging 6j 0:30
14:20 Sirish Uprety NOAA NOAA STAR VIIRS Reprocessing Status and Updates 4k 0:20
12:00 Lunch Break + Visit to the PHI-Experience 2:00
15:30 Xiangqian (Fred) Wu NOAA GOES-16/-17 ABI Calibration Event Log 6k 0:20
14:40 Glen Jaross NASA Ice radiance technique for calibration monitoring and intercomparison 4l 0:20
Wed pm GRWG: MW Sub-group - Continuation of Action Items


Coffee break
15:00 All All Discussion of NOAA V2 calibrated NPP-VIIRS datasets for GSICS 4m 0:10
14:00 Manik Bali/Rachel Kroodsma NOAA/NASA GPM X-Cal LUT's/Deliverable 5n 0:20
16:20 Zhe (Thomas) Xu / Di Xian CMA FY historical Big Data Reprocessing system establishment and sharing 6l 0:30
15:10 Sirish Uprety NOAA Evaluating NOAA-20 and SNPP VIIRS Radiometric Consistency for VNIR Bands 4n 0:20
14:20 Isaac Moradi NOAA/UMD Inter-comparison of fast radiative transfer models and microwave observations 5o 0:20
16:50 Toshiyuki Kurino WMO Links from WMO OSCAR/Space to Calibration Landing Page 6m 0:30
15:30 Yusuke Yogo JMA Use of VIIRS in AHI vicarious calibration 4o 0:20
GRWG: MW Sub-Group - MWI Constellation Gap
17:20 Jin Woo KMA Use of GitHub - updates 6n 0:30
15:50 Kazuki Kodera JMA Impacts of I01 and M05 of S-NPP/VIIRS on AHI-VIIRS Ray-matching 4p 0:20
Chair: Qifeng Lu; Minutes: Karsten Fennig
17:50 All All Discussion 6o 0:30

Coffee Break
14:40 Mitch Goldberg NOAA The importance of a healthy microwave imager constellation 5p 0:20
18:20 END
16:40 Rajendra Bhatt NASA SBAF tool update 4q 0:20
15:00 Alan Geer ECMWF Current and future use of microwave imager observations in the NWP Models 5q 0:20

17:00 Nicolas Lamquin ACRI OLCI-A/OLCI-B intercalibration with DCC in tandem phase 4r 0:20
15:20 Fabien Carminati UKMO Current and future use of microwave imager observations in the Met Office NWP system 5r 0:20

17:20 Dave Smith RAL SLSTR VIS/SWIR channel calibration (including Deserts and Sun-Glint methods) 4s 0:20

Objectives/Goals & Discussion 5s 0:40

17:40 Stefan Adriaensen Vito Towards harmonization of multi-sensor high resolution time series: the Belharmony approach 4t 0:20

Coffee Break

18:00 Yves Govaerts Rayference Review atmospheric radiative transfer models suitable for vicarious calibration 4u 0:20
16:40 GRWG: MW Sub-Group - WIGOS 2040

18:20 David Doelling NASA DCC calibration paper discussion, and next years web meeting discussions, Rayleigh scattering, DCC implementation in the NIR 4v 0:30
Chair: Manik Bali, Minutes: Tim Hewison

18:50 END

16:40 Manik Bali NOAA Review of white paper outline and develop writing team WIGOS/IPWG 5t 0:30

17:10 Mitch Goldberg GSICS EP WDQM 5u 0:20

17:30 Toshi Yukirino WMO GSICS Document review byWIGOS 5v 0:20

18:00 Qifeng Lu CMA WIGOS: Strawman outline draft of a plan to develop inter-calibration products for microwave imagers 5w 0:20

18:20 All All Discussion and wrap up 5x 0:10

18:40 Ralph Ferraro
Co-Chairmanship 5y 0:10

18:50 END

Thurs am GRWG: IR Sub-Group

Thu am GDWG

Cal/Val status - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison

Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu
8:30 Likun Wang NOAA Affiliate Introduction to IR Sub-Group 7a 0:15

8:30 Peter Miu EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration Servers - History, Updates 9a 0:20
8:45 Thomas Pagano NASA/JPL AIRS Calibration Update and Radiometric Uncertainty Estimates 7b 0:15

8:50 Nitant Dube ISRO Status of THREDDS for GSICS Collaboration Servers 9b 0:40
9:00 Chengli Qi/ Chunqiang Wu CMA FY-3D HIRAS measurement validation and monitoring 7c 0:15

9:30 Zhe (Thomas) Xu CMA Updates on GSICS Collaboration Servers 9c 0:20
9:15 Dorothee Coppens EUMETSAT Update on IASI-C Cal/Val activities 7d 0:15

9:50 Manik Bali NOAA Affiliate Updates on GSICS Collaboration Servers 9d 0:20
9:30 Qiang Guo CMA First Geostationary Infrared Hyper-spectral Measurements:In-orbit Validation Method
for Radiometric Accuracy and its Preliminary Results
7e 0:15


Coffee break
9:45 Xu Liu NASA Spectral gap-filling and Convolution Error Correction in Satellite Sensor Inter-calibrations 7f 0:15

10:40 Lin Chen CMA PICS/SNO data extraction function 9e 0:20

Coffee break



Hyperspectral IR Inter-calibration - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison

11:00 Lin Chen CMA Data Dissemination 9f 0:20
10:30 Tim Hewison EUMETSAT IR Reference Uncertainty and Traceability Report (IRRefUTable) 7g 0:30

11:20 Masaya Takahashi JMA Visualization of GSICS Products on GSICS Plotting Tool - Current Status and User Requirements 9g 0:20
11:00 Hanlie Xu CMA Mutual Evaluation between the imager and hyperspectral sounder at the same platform FY-3D and FY-4A 7h 0:15

11:40 Nitant Dube ISRO Implementation of GSICS Plotting Tool at ISRO 9h 0:20
11:15 Dohy Kim KMA Double difference of inter-calibration comparison results of COMS/MI using before and after reprocessed CrIS data for one year data of 2015 7i 0:15

11:40 All
Discussion for future updates/collaboration on GSICS Collaboration Servers and Plotting Tool 9i 0:20
11:30 All All Discussion - way forward with Hyperspectral GSICS products 7j 0:30


12:00 Lunch Break 1:00

12:00 Lunch Break 1:00
Thurs pm GRWG: IR Sub-Group
Thurs pm GRWG: UV Sub-Group (WebEx)
Thu pm GDWG

Multispectral IR Inter-calibration - Chair: Tim Hewison, Minutes: Likun Wang

Chair: Rose Munro, Minutes: Sebastian Wagner

Chair : Masaya Takahashi, Minutes: Peter Miu
13:00 All All GEO-LEO IR Product Progress (5 min for each GEO operational agency) 7k 0:30
12:30 Larry Flynn NOAA Update on GSICS UV Activities at NOAA 8a 0:30
13:00 Manik Bali NOAA Affiliate Visualization of GSICS Products on GSICS Product Catalog, and Wiki migration 9j 0:30
13:30 Na Xu CMA IR inter-calibration update in CMA including GEO-LEO and LEO-LEO 7l 0:30
13:00 Odele Coddington LASP, Univ. of Colorado TSIS-1 spectral (200-2400 nm) solar irradiance observations 8b 0:20
13:30 Manik Bali NOAA Affiliate Action tracking 9k 0:30
14:00 Yusuke Yogo JMA Collaborative research of applying JMA's GSICS approach to FY-2G IR channels wrt IASI 7m 0:15
13:20 Julian Gröbner PMOD WRC Quality Assurance of solar ultraviolet measurements 8c 0:20
14:00 Paolo Castracane ESA Introduction to EVDC (ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Centre) 9l 0:20
14:15 Minju Gu KMA Inter-calibration results of COMS/MI using with and without MBCC March 2016 to August 2017 7n 0:15
13:40 Rose Munro EUMETSAT Current status and future outlook for the UV Sub-group 8d 0:20

14:30 Na Xu CMA SBAF requirements for GEO-GEO comparisons 7o 0:15
14:00 All All Discussion and Summmary 8e 0:30
14:20 Coffee break
14:45 Fangfang Yu NOAA Affiliate GEO-GEO inter-comparison for GOES-17 IR instrument performance monitoring and anomaly detection 7p 0:15

Coffee break

14:50 Peter Miu EUMETAT Automated validation tool for candidate GSICS products 9m 0:30

Coffee break
Thurs pm Special Session on "Strategy for incorporating inter-calibration of SWIR spectrometers"
15:20 Manik / Masaya NOAA Affiliate / JMA Spliting user feedbacks into GRWG/GDWG actions 9n 1:00
15:30 Alessandro Burini EUMETSAT Monitoring SLSTR calibration using IASI 7q 0:15
15:00 David Crisp NASA-JPL Calibration needs of space based greenhouse gas instruments 8f 0:20
16:20 Masaya Takahashi JMA Wrap-up: Plan activities for 2019/2020 9o 0:30
15:45 Dave Smith RAL S3 SLSTR IR channel calibration 7r 0:15

16:50 END

16:00 All All Discussion Way Forward for Multispectral IR 7s 0:30

Placeholder 8g 2:00

16:30 Update on IR Research Topics - Chair: Likun Wang, Minutes: Tim Hewison

16:30 Hanlie Xu CMA Application and evaluation of New NOAA gap filling for CMA IR hyperspectral instruments 7t 0:15
17:20 All All Discussion 8h 0:20

16:45 Fangfang Yu NOAA Affiliate Investigation to the cold-scene bias at the ABI 3.9 micron channels 7u 0:15
17:40 Rose Munro EUMETSAT Summary and Wrap-Up 8i 0:20

17:00 Hui Xu / Likun Wang UMD Sensitivity Test and Further Validation of Cross-track Infrared Sounder Spectral Gap Filling 7v 0:15
18:00 END

17:15 Boming Sun NOAA Affiliate Progress with GRUAN observations in comparison with satellite measurements 7w 0:15

17:30 Likun Wang NOAA Affiliate Near space platform for IR sensor validation 7x 0:15

17:45 End

Fri am Plenary - Cross-cutting Topics

Chair: Larry Flynn, Minutes: Fangfang Yu

8:00 Dohyeong Kim KMA GSICS Requirements on Instrument Performance Monitoring 10a 0:20

8:20 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA Preparation for forthcoming meetings (e.g. SI-traceable Reference Instrument WS, Lunar Calibration WS) 10b 0:20

8:40 Tsutomu Nagatsuma NICT Collaboration with CGMS Space Weather Coordination Group 10m 0:20

9:00 Manik Bali NOAA How to update actions in GSICS Action Tracker 10d 0:20

9:20 Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Mission-Integration Calibration Monitoring & Inter-Calibration System (MICMICS) 10e 0:20

9:40 Dave Doelling NASA CLARREO Pathfinder - Updates 10l 0:20


Coffee break

10:20 Plenary - De-briefs and Wrap-up

10:20 Chair: Xiuqing "Scott" Hu, Minutes: Tim Hewison

10:20 Masaya Takahashi JMA GDWG Summary & Agree Actions 10f 0:20

10:40 Xiuqing (Scott) Hu CMA GRWG Summary & Agree Actions 10g 0:30

11:10 Larry Flynn NOAA Future GSICS Users Workshops 10h 0:10

11:20 All
Topics & Chairing next Web Meetings 10i 0:20

11:40 All
Date & Place of Next WG Meetings 10j 0:20

12:00 All
Any Other Business 10k 0:20

12:20 END