Space Weather Sub-Group Meeting 2024-05-22


  1. Status on GSICS Quarterly Newsletter: special issue on SWx CrossCal

  2. Status report on PRBEM business meeting at COSPAR 2024, Busan

  3. Action Items

  4. Next Sub-group Meeting

  5. AOB


Status on GSICS Quarterly Newsletter: Special Issue on SWx CrossCal

Received 5 articles within the deadline of August 25.

Reviewing process finished for most of the articles. Some reviewers have not yet responded. Please inform if do not have time now to review.

Revising process on-going.

Manik: articles look very good. Will format articles after revised. Is there anything for the news section?

Nagatsuma: What is expected?

Manik: Any SWx conference that you would like to highlight, launch of instrument, data set releases, announcements of future conferences. (See also Manik’s recommendation below regarding PRBEM resolution.)

Please email Nagatsuma-san with information on news and announcements. For example: ESWW week announcement, ASEC announcement for next year; new data sets on-line; recent launches, e.g. GOES-19 (SEISS first data announcement).

Manik showed recent article.

e.g. update on a calibration update

Status on PRBEM business meeting at COSPAR 2024, Busan

Our issues with PRBEM document were received positively. Most people were quite positive about update. Update of data analysis procedure is included in the PRBEM resolution - will establish collaboration with GSICS.

Manik: this is a very important step. This resolution should be a news item. (1) the data analysis procedure and (2) the new COSPAR panel on machine learning and data science. News item does not have to be very long.

Action Items

1. Define GSICS product: ongoing; update requested for next subgroup meeting.

2. Previously closed

3a. Data levels: Have ESA, NOAA, CMA definitions. Waiting for information from other agencies. Continue to work on this.

3b. Proposing application using multiple satellites – still in work.

4. Compare methods to PRBEM. Agreed that can be closed. Has moved to next stage (new action item #9)

5. Previously closed

6. Previously closed

7. Decision point on intercal method: evaluate/adopt new PRBEM standard when released. Proposed and agreed. Therefore 7.1 can be closed – superseded by 9. The second issue (code base) was not discussed. 7.2 is still open.

8. Previously closed

9 (new action) After COSPAR/PRBEM resolution is endorsed (will ask PRBEM chair Miyoshi-san when bureau will endorse), discuss how to update PRBEM analysis procedure with COSPAR, assignment of lead.

Next sub-group meeting

November or December? November 13 2024 12 UTC. This is the week after ESWW, expect feedback from meeting.


No other business.

Meeting closed at 12:38 UTC.


CMA: Cong Huang

ESA: Hugh Evans

NICT: Tsutomu Nagatsuma (Chair)

NOAA: Manik Bali, Athanasios Boudouridis, Brian Kress, Christian Naylor, Juan Rodriguez (minutes)

SPARC: Ingmar Sandberg

WMO: Jesse Andries
Topic revision: r1 - 11 Sep 2024, TsutomuNagatsuma
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