GIRO fourth release


  • GIRO_fourthrelease.tar.gz.gpg
    • This package only contains two executables and one readme file. This package DOES NOT include all the folders needed to run the GIRO executable. In order to use the fourth release the users that already have installed the GIRO_thirdrelease must:
    1. decrypt the package using the same password used to decrypt the GIRO_thirdrelease,
    2. extract the two executables from the .tar.gz archive,
    3. replace the GIRO_thirdrelease executables with the ones in the GIRO_fourthrelase.


  • This package is password-protected and prepared for limited users.
  • To unlock the password, please type: gpg -d GIRO_fourthrelease.tar.gz.gpg > GIRO_fourthrelease.tar.gz on the terminal. Then, a password is requested.
  • After that, you can get data by typing: tar xvzf GIRO_fourthrelease.tar.gz
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Nov 2014, MasayaTakahashi
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