GPRC websites
Minimum requirements
In the following are the agreement (at the 2018 GSICS annual meeting) on the minimal common contents for GPRC (GSICS Processing and Research Centres) websites.
- Correct GSICS logo linking to the WMO GSICS portal (
- Pages with bias monitoring graphs for GPRC products (all if possible)
- Links where the GPRC data can be downloaded (preferably THREDDS data servers)
- Links to GPRC official documents (ATBDs, reports, etc.)
- Link to the GSICS product catalog
- Link to the GCC home page
- GPRC website contact information
Links to GPRC websites
The following links are as of June 2018. To access the latest websites, please refer to
Calibration Landing Pages
A concept of Calibration Landing Page is to make calibration information available though [[][WMO OSCAR/Space]. For this purpose, each GPRC is asked to create and maintain stable landing pages (a single landing page per instrument per satellite) where information (or links to information) is displayed for the following 5 categories:
- Instrument Specification (documents on instruments baseline physical basis)
- Instrument Events (database or documents of calibration related events)
- Instrument Monitoring (database or documents following state of the instrument)
- Data Outages (database or documents with instrument outage dates)
- Relevant Documents (documnts on data usage and data calibration and validation)
In details on the Landing Pages, please refer to
a white paper submitted to CGMS-45.