These are the fundamental principles on which GSICS is based.
What do we mean when we say something "follows GSICS principles"?
Here are some ideas for further development:
GSICS General Principles
Reproducability of results
Freedom of access
Applicable to operational weather and environmental satellites of the Global Observing System (GOS)
GSICS Science Principles
through an unbroken chain of comparisons
to a common reference
with specified uncertainty
Applicable to all instruments in a given class
Continous ongoing inter-calibration over each instrument's operational lifetime
applicable over the full range of observations??
Based on level 1 data
as supplied by satellite operator
To provide inter-calibration correction function
to allow users to correct original level 1 data
to generate Fundamental Climate Data Records (FCDRs)
To provide bias monitoring
to allow users to visualise any trends in the instruments' calibration
GSICS Data Principles
Inclusion of meta data giving complete description