
GSICS Products udergo several enhancements during their lifestimes. These enhancements could include debugging of product generation code, modificaiton in metadata , changes in processing chain or even elevation of the product up the GPPA pyramid ( Demo to Pre-Op to Op) While increasing each level of GPPA aims to reduce the possibility of these changes however products can still come with versions. In the ligt of this it was thought to recommend a versioning convention that could be applied to all GSICS members in their code generation.

An Action was placed on GCC :

Action: GCC to support the revising of the GSICS versioning and update the Wiki.

. Is the operational version be assigned as v1.0.0 – YES

2. How should bug fixes be identified – example => v0.0.1, v0.0.2, v0.0.3, ...

3. How should minor updates be identified – example => v0.1.0, v0.2.0, ...

4. How should major updates be identified – example => v1.2.3 => v2.0.0

As a result of this discussion GCC has an action item to support revising of the current GSICS versioning.


Action: GCC to support the revising of the GSICS versioning and update the Wiki.


Existing guidelines of versioning

Versioning is indicated in the filename and also in the metadata.

1. The major versioning is indicated in the GSICS product filename itself

So if the GSICS product filename is W_JP-JMA-MSC,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR,MTSAT1R+JAMI-MetopA+IASI_C_RJTD_20090814000000_demo_ 01 .nc then

the red is the major version number. One can see the details

2. For the IR cross calibration GSICS products

processing_level = "ONE OF ('demonstration', 'preoperational', 'operational')/vMAJOR.MINOR.REVISION";

The current versioning is implemented as for eg EUMETSAT Product says: processing_level: demonstration/v03.02.01 in the product metadata and in the filename ends in

Is the current versioning optimum or we need to revise ?

Please send in your comments.


No need to change the version numbering on the existing or past products.

Version number should be changed when the algorithm is significantly changed with a new version of ATBD, while the decimal number could be adopted by individual agency to reflect the minor changes in the algorithm or bug-fixed in the source codes.

Agency can use the versioning they wish to use

For eg. EUMETSAT approach to versioning is -communicated by Tim Hewison on Google Group- 1/29/16

Changed from pre-operational/v1.2.0 to operational/v1.0.0. However, during the verification testing they spotted a mistake, so had to generate a new release, which is operational/v1.1.0.

For eg NOAA approach to versioning is ( communicated by Fangfang on Google Group -7/15/15

1) demo_01

2) preop_01
Topic revision: r1 - 14 Mar 2017, ManikBali
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