Deliverable-1: IASI L1C (Source dataset)

by Masaya Takahashi (m_takahashi (AT) ), JMA

1.Objective of the Deliverable ( e.g why the Group/Subgroup/Community
needs it etc)
Some GSICS agencies need to use reference LEO L1 subset for their GEO-LEO
collocation to generate GSICS inter-calibration products.

2.How it was created
Data provider (e.g. IASI L1C by EUMETSAT) creates and makes it available
on the GSICS Collaboration Server based on user's requests.

3. How to use it
To use the file as an input of inter-calibration of ATBD.

4. References: Publications, websites etc.
EUMETSAT GSICS Collaboration Server:
Topic revision: r2 - 29 Sep 2021, ManikBali
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