Defining GSICS products and Deliverables and their acceptance criterion
By Manik Bali and Lawrence E Flynn
In order to open the gates for acceptance to new types of products in GSICS , GCC Director Larry Flynn gave a presentation to EP-17. This presentation is at idea is to relax the stringent GPPA requirements and accept entities in the GSICS domain. In this regard GCC took the following actionsPast Action: GCC to take a lead in discussing the GPPA with GSICS members to reduce the amount of time needed to move through the phases.Action: a) GCC to finalize the high-level categorization of GSICS holdings and deliverables, ensuring that actual or planned products can be mapped to these categories, indicating a target audience, delivery or access mode;Action: b) GCC to propose appropriate review/acceptance mechanisms for each category of GSICS products (with a distinction between acceptance of the algorithms, and acceptance of the production of calibration coefficients or calibrated radiances).
GCC Larry Flynn and Manik Bali Proposed several catagorizations.
•Proposed Categorization
•Core Products
–Concerns and discussion
•Model and Data Sets
–Concern and discussion
–Concern and discussion
•GSICS Documents
•GPRC and OSCAR Resources
•Proposed Acceptance and Maturity for categorization.