1. get the source code from /net/orbit270l/disk1/pub/GSICS/GSICS_SVN/preOp
svn import ~/GSICS file:///net/orbit270l/disk1/pub/GSICS/GSICS_SVN/preOp
2. ask Fangfang re-instat the ssh access cs.star.nesdis.noaa.gov
3. ask IT group add Perl module Expect on rhw1100
To Do list: write a scrip to copy/sort data sets from cs:/ftp/upload to cs:/ftp/gsics/....
standardize the code so they will not depend on ~/fyu
THREDDS xlink Problem, suggestions sent to IT: see email on 07/01/15
Broken links that need to be fixed, sent email to Mark Romer:
http://gsics.desdis.noaa.gov/gsics, link to THREDDS Data Server should point to http://gsics.desdis.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog.html, not http://gaics.desdis.noaa.gov:8080/thredds.