GRWG Web Meeting 2010-11-18

Traceability to Common References

Draft Agenda

Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - Introduction

Rüdiger Kessel (NIST) - Theoretical Background: Concept of Traceability in Metrology: Reference_and_Spectral_response.ppt

Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - Practical Example: Defining Common Channels for GEO IR Imagers: Common_References_for_GEO.ppt

All - Discussion


EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison

NIST: Rüdiger Kessel, Dave Walker, Raju Datla

JMA: Hiromi Owada, Yuki Kosaka, Arata Okuyama

NOAA: Bob Iacovazzi, Fangfang Yu


To overcome the problem of providing a common reference against which inter-calibration of multiple instrument pairs can be combined, it was proposed that new standard reference channels are defined. These would then be used to generate a new class of GSICS product, which could also be beneficial to some users - e.g. for the generation of composite images from multiple Geostationary imagers with different channels.

It was agreed that potential users should be contacted to solicit their opinion on the usefulness of such a product, and to provide feedback on what combinations of instruments/channels should be considered and at the levels of uncertainty they would require for different applications. It is only then that we can judge whether these are achievable and what level of sophistication is needed to define standard reference channels for these applications. Action: Tim Hewison will pursue these questions with ISCCP, CM-SAF, Earth Radiation Budget and CLARREO.

-- TimHewison - 15 Nov 2010
Topic revision: r4 - 18 Nov 2010, TimHewison
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