Welcome to the GSICS Wiki

This wiki is a place of collaboration for those involved with the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System ( GSICS). GSICS is a W.M.O.-sponsored international cooperation to harmonize the calibration of the data from operational weather satellites in order to improve weather forecasting and climate monitoring.


Primarily this Wiki is used as a repository for presentations from the annual and web meetings of the GSICS Research and Data Working Group, as well as User Workshops.

If you are...

...GSICS Coordination Center

Connecting with Users and other interest groups

The GSICS Coordination Center requests feedbacks from interest groups such as Users of GSICS Products, From Friends such as GRUAN, GHRSST, SCOPE-CM, From Agencies. It is envisaged that feedbacks from these groups help us tune better to their needs.

So far we have focused on getting feedbacks from our Users. This page provides a list of feedbacks that we have received and we plan to receive.

How to use the Action Tracker

...A User of GSICS Data

This site is not really aimed for you so don't expect to find what you are looking for. May we suggest trying the GSICS Coordination Center or WMO's GSICS portal instead? If you still think you are at the right place, here are some links that we think could be of interest:

GSICS Chatbot





...A Developer

You should really be visiting the section specifically created for people like you. However, if you are just looking for links to some important developer information, below is our selection:

...Product review Page


Microwave Workspace

VIS/NIR Workspace

UV Workspace

GSICS Colab Notebooks

Colab notebooks offer Python environment where a Python program reads , processes and visualizes the data.
  • Process GSICS RAC Products ( see here )
  • Process GSICS NRT Products ( see here )
  • GSICS Deliverables (GIRO SRF, GMX inter-cal tables (Google Colab) and Reference Radiance ( Google Colab )
  • Solar Data Sets ( Notebook, vizualizes several Solar Data Sets and compares them see here )
  • State of Observing System ( Colab file)
Want to create a Colab Notebook, contact GSICS Data Working Group/ GSICS Coordination Center ( manik(d0t) bali(AT)N O A A ( dot ) gov )





GSICS Deliverables

GSICS References


...A Contributor to the GSICS Newsletter

  • Guidelines for submitting articles to the GSICS Quarterly Newsletter

Solar Data Sets


State of the Art Observing System Report

Prepare the report using this Colab file

...A Wiki User

Topic revision: r53 - 10 Mar 2025, ManikBali
This site is powered by FoswikiCopyright © by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding GSICS Wiki? Send feedback