GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2011-04-27
GSICS Web Meeting on Combining Multiple References,
the GSICS “Baseline” and Product Versions
- Tim Hewison (GRWG Chair) - GSICS "Baseline" and Product Versions
- Fangfang Yu (NOAA) - Differences between GEO-LEO IR algorithms and baseline
- Tim Hewison (GRWG Chair) – Combining Multiple References
- Gyanesh Chander (USGS) - Report from IVOS meeting
CMA: Xiuqing (Scott) Hu
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Marianne Koenig, Sebastien Wagner
JMA: Arata Okuyama, Yoshihiko Tahara, Kenji Date, Hiroaki Tschiya, Ruichiro Nakayama, Yuki Kosaka
NOAA: Fred Wu, Fangfang Yu, Bob Iacovazzi
PTB: Ruediger Kessel
USGS: Gyanesh Chander
The following draft statements were agreed regarding the "baseline" as implemented at the GSICS Coordination Center:
GSICS Processing and Research Centres (GPRCs) shall recommend GSICS Products for the satellite instruments for which they have operational responsibility.
GSICS aim for the inter-calibration algorithm implemented by each GPRC to be as consistent as possible for a given class of instrument/channel. To ensure this the ATBDs are defined in a hierarchical structure, based on common general principles.
The ATBDs for each class of instrument are based on a consensus of the best method (or combination of methods) and a common reference instrument.
The finest level of the hierarchical ATBD allows for the specific details of each instrument to be considered.
The GSICS Coordination Center aim to implement a "baseline" algorithm based on the most consistent inter-calibration algorithm for all instruments within a class.
The baseline provides GPRCs with a reference against which they can compare their implementation.
The results of the baseline algorithm for a particular satellite instrument may be considered as official GSICS products upon approval of the GPRC that has operational authority for that instrument.
The development of the baseline algorithm is initiated within GSICS upon GRWG recommendation to, and acceptance of this recommendation by, the Executive Panel.
Developers are encouraged to research further improvements in the algorithms. If these can be shown to be beneficial, a new version of the Product can be released. This shall be accompanied by a new version of the baseline implementation, and other GPRCs implementations.
During a Product's progression through the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance, revisions can be made to the baseline by consensus agreement. These should coincide with changes between demonstration, pre-operational and operational status.
By aiming for all algorithms to be consistent with the consensus reference, the products derived from them are implicitly as consistent as possible.
Combining References
Action: Fred Wu (NOAA) to circulate article by Likun Wang comparing AIRS and IASI in GOES channel-space by double-differencing and SNO methods and consider application to other GEO imagers by 2011-06-30.
Action: Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) to ask CNES for details of plans to compare
MetopA/IASI and
MetopB/IASI and consider development of delta-correction function by 2011-06-30.
All GPRCs will then consider how delta corrections could be applied to their products.
IVOS (CEOS WGCV Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors subgroup)
G. Chander gave an update on the GSICS developments for solar channel products was presented at IVOS Meeting. Looking for collaboration on writing ATBDs regarding the reflective solar channel inter-calibration - for example, it may be possible for IVOS to participate in the review process.IVOS have established a Wiki for exchange of information on 5 methods of calibration for solar-band channels of moderate resolution sensors:
System for
Sensors (
ViCaSEOOS). GSICS members, particularly the solar PIs are encouraged to consider using this workspace to collaborate with IVOS. (You need to register on the portal to gain access to this area.)
IVOS were also particularly interested in free-access to the Instrument Event Logs, currently being developed by GSICS. B. Iacovazzi plans to send out the template and then setup a web meeting.
Cal/Val Portal - gives some sensor information (e.g. spectral response curves, POC for each instrument, etc.) GSICS members are encouraged to look at the
CEOS Cal/Val Portal, ensure all links are complete and check that we don't duplicate efforts.