GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2012-02-23

GSICS Web Meeting on Preparation for GRWG/GDWG Annual meeting


  1. Structure of meeting
  2. Items for agenda
  3. Remote access
  4. Practical issues
  5. Update of GSICS Operations Plan


CMA: Min Min, Ling Sun, Scott Hu, Yong Zhou, Shizhong Zhang

EUMETSAT: Marianne Koenig, Peter Miu, Rob Robeling, Sebastien Wagner and Tim Hewison (Chair)

JMA: Arata Okuyama, Kenji Date, Hiroaki Tsuchiyama, Ryuichiro Nakayama and Yuki Kosaka

NASA: Dave Doelling

NOAA: Fred Wu, Fangfang Yu, Aleksandar Jelenak, Sasha Ignatov


The agenda was discussed and several changes recommended, which will now be implemented in the updated draft agenda.

Scott Hu also provided logistic information: travel_information.pdf
Topic revision: r4 - 24 Feb 2012, TimHewison
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