GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2013-06-11

GSICS Web Meeting on Calibration Change Alerts

At the recent GSICS Users’ Workshop we heard interest in setting up a service to provide users with alerts for calibration changes based on the GSICS Bias Monitoring. We already have a step in the GEO-LEO IR ATBD to check each new result for consistency with the recent trend, and if it deviates significantly an alert is raised. I would like to discuss whether we can take this further and offer it as a service to users. Please consider whether we could do something similar for other potential GSICS products. So please let me know if you have anything you would like to present or discuss on this topic.


  1. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) – Calibration Change Alerts in GEO-LEO IR ATBD
  2. Fangfang Yu (NOAA) – Role of NOAA's GEO-LEO and GEO-GEO comparisons in detecting & diagnosing operational anomalies
  3. Mohamed Dahoui (ECMWF) – ECMWF Bias Monitoring Change Alerts
  4. All - The Way Forward


EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison (Chair), Bartolomeo Viticchie, Rob Roebeling

JMA: Masaya Takahashi, Keita Hosaka

NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Aleksandar Jelenak

ECMWF: Mohamed Dahoui


The Discussion presentation was updated during the meeting to reflect the discussion. This includes outlining the basic contents of the calibration alert messages, and the processes for generating and distributing them.


Action: Masaya Takahashi to report by email on the potential for JMA to generate prototype calibration change alerts via a dedicated Google Group from the MTSAT-IASI inter-calibration processing.

Outcome: "We, JMA, are creating RAC/NRTC Correction for MTSAT-AIRS/IASI IR channel once a day. More frequent update of GSICS Correction (e.g. twice or four times a day) can be possible. It is also possible to send an alert e-mail to the Google Groups with almost all of the contents suggested in the meeting (slide 8 of"

Action: Fangfang Yu to discuss with Fred Wu & Fuzhong Weng whether NOAA could potentially generate prototype calibration change alerts via a dedicated Google Group from the GOES-IASI inter-calibration processing and report by email.

Outcome: "We surely could generate the calibration alerts from GEO-LEO intercalibration processing. However, as we reported in the webmeeting, due to the latency of GEO-LEO inter-calibration (1-2 days of latency) and collocation time gap (GOES-IASI and GOES-AIRS only occurs at certain time of day), we use the GEO-GEO inter-comparison and GOES-IPM system for the near real-time calibration change alert and GEO-LEO inter-calibration for the alert evaluation."

Action: Tim Hewison to discuss with Harald Rothfuss & Operations whether EUMETSAT could potentially generate prototype calibration change alerts via a dedicated Google Group from the Meteosat-IASI inter-calibration processing and report by email.

Recommendation: Mohamed Dahoui to consider whether it would be possible to provide ECMWF calibration alerts to GSICS developers for internal use only.
Topic revision: r11 - 01 Aug 2013, AleksandarJelenak
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