-- ManikBali - 27 Nov 2015


The review of the following products is being narrated here.

Product Type Algorithm Type Data Producer Maturity Level Monitored Instrument Reference Instrument * Version * Data Start Date Data End Date Docs URL Data URL
Near Real Time Correction GEO-LEO IR EUMETSAT Preoperational MSG-2 Metop-A IASI 1 2011-01-01 Present Docs Data
Near Real Time Correction GEO-LEO IR EUMETSAT Preoperationa MSG-3 Metop-A IASI 1 2013-01-10 Present Docs Data
Re- Analysis Correction GEO-LEO IR EUMETSAT Preoperationa MSG-2 Metop-A IASI 1 2012-11-08 Present Docs Data
Re- Analysis Correction GEO-LEO IR EUMETSAT Preoperationa MSG-3 Metop-A IASI 1 2013-01-24 Present Docs Data

In the submission phase EUMETSAT submitted the GSICS Product Acceptance Form to the GCC. The GPAF details the product and the related ducuments ( ATBD, User Guide Metadata etc).

Following the GPPA guidelines, GCC initiated the review process. GCC provided GPAT reviewers GPERF and the GPAF to review the product.

Reviewers were given the GPERF ( GSICS Product External Review Form ) and asked to choose from.

1. I can review and test the product(s) according to the instructions given in the attached GSICS Product External Review Form (GPERF).

2. I can review the product(s) methodology according to the attached GPERF, but are not able/willing to test products.

3. I can neither review the methodology of, nor test, the product.

The response of reviewers is stated in the following GPERF form ( The GPAF template was provided to reviewers)

Review-1 (GSICS_Product External Review Form) Reviewer: Pete Francis, UKMO

Review-2 (GSICS Product External Review Form) Reviewer : Marianne K\xF6nig, EUMETSAT

March , 2011 Product accepted in Demo Phase

On 1/10/2013 7:59 AM, Tim Hewison wrote

1. Sending data to the server: Yes

2. With the right filenames: Yes - but old versions still exist on server -Anastasia: please delete these

3. In the right format: Yes

4. With all the right variables: Yes

5. ATBD: Yes \x96 needs one update to maximum angle \x96 I will do this

6. Uncertainty analysis: Yes

7. GSICS Product Acceptance Form: Needs updating \x96 I will do this. Fangfang: Can you send me the latest version you have? | Completed

8. Software version control: Just need to add a reference - Simon? | Completed

9. ReadMe: Needs updating slightly \x96 I will do this | | Completed

10. Inter-calibration Products Table: Needs updating \x96 I will ask for this to be done. Phil: Please note! ..???

User Feedbacks

User Feedback 1 By Marianne K\xF6nig, EUMETSAT

User Feedback -2 By Anke Kniffka, CM/SAF DWD

User Feedback -3 By Pete Francis, UKMO

User Feedback -4 Randhir Singh, IIRS/ISRO

Internal EUMETSAT Verification and Validation Documents


GSICS Meteosat-IASI Inter-calibration Validation Report for Meteosat-9 and -10

MPEF Alternative Calibration Coefficients from GSICS - Validation Report

January 09, 2013 Product assigned Pre-Op status

This was followed by a notification from GCC

FW: EUMETSAT and NOAA GEO-LEO IR Correction Products in Pre-Operational Phase


Tim Hewison <Tim.Hewison@eumetsat.int>

Jul 31

to me

From: GSICS Coordination Center [mailto:NESDIS.STAR.GSICS.ListMgmt=noaa.gov@mail128.us2.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of GSICS Coordination Center
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:44 AM
To: Tim Hewison
Subject: EUMETSAT and NOAA GEO-LEO IR Correction Products in Pre-Operational Phase

GSICS GEO-LEO IR Correction Products in Pre-Op Phase

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EUMETSAT and NOAA GSICS GEO-LEO IR Correction Products in Pre-Op Phase

Dear Tim:

On behalf of the GSICS Coordination Center (GCC) and GSICS Product Acceptance Team (GPAT), I am pleased to announce that the EUMETSAT GSICS GEO-LEO IR inter-calibration correction product for Meteosat/SEVIRI and the NOAA GSICS GEO-LEO IR inter-calibration correction product for GOES Imager are now in pre-operational phase. These two products have completed the required documentation including the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD), uncertainty analysis and other ancillary reports. The software for these two products is running stably and reproducibly with minimal code changes expected. The software for the NOAA product has been maintained with the subversion control package. The product data availability and metadata have also been running reliably and stably at the GSICS data servers over the past years. We have received some positive feedback from product users and continue to encourage user comments. Per the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance (GPPA) and the SCOPE-CM maturity model, these two products are now in pre-operational phase, on the way to operations.

Users can access to the products and the associated documents freely at the GSICS product catalog, which is also linked to the WMO GSICS portal website. The corresponding products in demo version will be no longer available at the GSICS server.

Best Regards,
Fangfang Yu
Deputy Director of GCC

Documents reviewed by the GPAT at each stage of GPPA process and uploaded on the GSICS Product Catalog ( see here )

November 27 , 2015 First draft of making product Op submitted to EP.

On April 03 2015 Author Tim Hewison submitted to GCC this product for assiging Operational Status to the product. After an initial review of the submitted documents GCC initiated review by GPAT members Peter Miu( EUMETSAT), Masaya Takahashi (JMA), Fangfang Yu (NOAA) were the 3 reviewers who reviewed the product and gave their recommendation. Authors implemented their recommendations to the satisfaction of the GPAT members who recommended promotion to Op stage. ( As per GPPA guidelines only emails were sought).

Subsequently GRWG and GDWG Chair go ahead was also received. Petition to EP was submitted for their recommendations ( see latest draft of petition here )

As per the GPPA , the following steps are to be fulfilled to make the product operational.

Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to the Executive Panel regarding the Product.
  • Who: GCC Director
  • Due: Two weeks after the Product enters the Pre-operational Phase.

Condition Satisfied: The GCC Deputy Director, Fangfang Yu, provide a notice of the promotion via GUMS to all members on 23 January 2013. The promotion of the product was also reported at the EP 14th Session in July 2013.

2. Executive Panel review of the GPAT recommendations. Executive Panel feedback regarding the product sent to the GCC Director.
    • Who: GSICS Executive Panel
    • Due: Six weeks after being notified
The Executive Panel did not provide any critical feedback on this product promotion.

3. GCC Director notifies the Product provider about the Executive Panel feedback.
    • Who: GCC Director
Due: Two weeks after receiving feedback from the Executive Panel

No feedback to report.

4. Complete documents associated with GPAF Sections III.2.C (Analysis software documentation), III.2.D (Product version control plan), III.3.B (operations and distribution plan), and III.3.C (data user's guide) and submit the documents to the GCC.

  1. Who: Product provider

  • Due: Three months after entering the Pre-operational phase
Condition Satisfied: The initial GPAF forms version control plan and distribution plan data users guide were submitted by the product developer to the GCC 30 April 2015. The GCC made them available via the GSICS wiki. The latest version are now at


5 . Examine the submitted documents (product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and data user's guide).
  • Who: GPAT
  • Due: One month after GCC received the documents
Condition Satisfied: The GPAT and GCC participated in a review process for the documents and iteratively provide feedback to the developers.

6. Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following the Executive Panel and GPAT feedback
  • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
  • Due: One month after receiving feedback

Condition Satisfied: The product authors have implemented GPAT and GCC recommendations and final document versions were made available on the wiki on 16 October 2015.

Pending: The Executive Panel may decide if there is a need to provide additional feedback on any issues as part of Item #8.

7. GPAT reviews the remediation material and decides if the requirements are now satisfied. Sends final recommendation to the GCC Director.
  • Who: GPAT and GCC Director
  • Due: Thee weeks following conclusion of the document remediation period.
Condition Satisfied: Final reviews by three GPAT members have been received and the GPAT has recommended promotion to Operational status. Other documents were reviewed by the GPAT and GCC earlier during the Pre-operational promotion stage of review.

8 . GCC Director notifies the Executive Panel that the product has satisfied all the requirements for entering the Operational Phase .

  • Who: GCC Director
  • Due: One week following the GPAT review.
Condition Satisfied: This memo serves as notification that the subject product has satisfied all requirements for entering the Operational Phase.

Pending: We await the Executive Panel direction.
Topic revision: r12 - 14 Jan 2016, ManikBali
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