Consistency between GSICS Products
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison (Chair), Marianne König
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Bob Iacovazzi
NASA: Dave Young, Constantine Lukashin
NIST: Rüdiger Kessel, Raju Datla
CMA: Li Yuan, Jingin Liu, Ling Sun, Lin Chen, Na Xu
CNES: Denis Blumstein, Patrice Henry
JMA: Hiromi Owada, Yuki Kosaka, Arata Okuyama, Kenji Date, Ryuichiro Nakayama
KMA: Dohyeong Kim
Key Points
Dave Young (NASA-Langley) gave us a very nice overview and update on CLARREO, highlighting some of the features of the calibration mechanism for the solar-band spectrometer. He described how it's pointing mechanism allows it to target collocations with specific instruments for use as an inter-calibration reference. The final scheduling of these observations can be done dynamically to meet requirements. However, a prioritised list of target instruments is needed to plan the observing strategy. GSICS developers were encouraged to provide input to define these priorities. Attendees agreed it was most likely that CLARREO would be best used to characterise the reference instruments used to inter-calibrate other instruments (e.g. MODIS/VIIRS in the solar band and IASI/CrIS in the infrared). This strategy should be discussed in more detail at next GRWG meeting in early 2011.
The CLARREO community were also interested in working together with GSICS to establish protocols for data availability. It was suggested that a dedicated meeting on this topic is set up with the GSICS Data Working Group.
Dave also mentioned the presentations from the recent CLARREO science team meeting are now available on the
CLARREO website. GSICS developers are encouraged to review these presentations and feedback any questions to Dave.
Bob Iacovazzi (NOAA) described the comparisons of pseudo-channels derived from AIRS and IASI observations by the SNO method.
Rüdiger Kessel (NIST) gave a very useful theoretical overview of a method of quantifying the consistency between inter-calibration results from different pairs of instruments without a common reference. Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) illustrated this concept with simple examples from the 3-way comparisons of Meteosat-8, Meteosat-9 and IASI. These results will be analysed quantitatively during September 2010.
The outstanding questions of how to resolve situations where the results are not consistent and how to migrate between different reference instruments will be addressed in future meetings.
TimHewison - 27 July 2010