GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2014-02-06

GSICS UV Sub-Group Web Meeting

Topic: GSICS UV : Where do we go from here.


  1. Dr.Larry Flynn:
  2. All members: disucssing future activities for the UV group: 20-30 minutes: topics may include, but are not limited to:
    • special issue on UV Quarterly in Fall GSICS Newsletter
    • involvement in annual GRWG meeting in March
    • invite non-members as experts to the meeting
  3. Dr. Larry Flynn: Concluding remarks, 2 minutes


Acting Chair: Larry Flynn

CMA: Wei-He Wang

EUMETSAT: Rose Munro, Ruediger Lang, Tim Hewison

ESA: Berit Ahlers, Thorsten Fehr

KMA: Myoung-Hwan Ahn

NASA: Dave Flittner, Matt DeLand, Glen Jaross, Colin Seftor

NOAA: Manik Bali, Larry Flynn, Fred Wu

SRON: Matthijs Krijger, Ralph Snel

University of Bremen: Mark Weber


Larry Flynn agreed to act as interim chair of the sub-group and to chair the next meeting.

The UV Subgroup has four proposed projects up for consideration:
  1. Reflectivity and Aerosol Index comparisons (340 nm - 390 nm) by using vicarious methods for ocean, desert and ice sheet targets.
    (For each instrument, subgroup members should identify a reflectivity/aerosol expert.)
  2. Solar measurement comparisons by using high resolution reference data sets along with instrument bandpasses and Mg II scale factors.
    (For each instrument, subgroup members should identify a contact who will be responsible for providing the bandpass data and time series of solar measurements.)
  3. Comparisons of radiance/irradiance measurements (240 nm - 290 nm) by using initial measurement residuals with respect to a priori ozone profiles
    (For each instrument, subgroup members should identify a contact who makes ozone profile products.)
  4. Identify calibration requirements and capabilities
Each project will have a team lead. L. Flynn has agreed to be team lead for Project 3 and R. Lange is considering acting as lead for Project 4.

Everyone is asked to distribute these project ideas to appropriate experts within their organizations.

We would also like to create a list of instruments that will participate in each project.

Additional project proposals, offers to lead projects and chair the sub-group are welcome and will be discussed at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the UV Sub-Group will take place during the 2014 Annual Meeting of the GRWG and GDWG - on Thursday 27 March 12:00-14:00 UTC - with Webex connectivity.

Topic revision: r2 - 03 Apr 2014, TimHewison
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