GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2019-07-23

1130-1300 UTC


1. Introductions, Qifeng Lu, Mark Liu, Ralph Ferraro (NOAA/NESDIS)

2. Dr Elizabeth Good - Evaluation of the suite of 183 GHz FCDRs

3. Dr. Likun Wang - Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to Enhance Spatial Resolution of ATMS Images

4. Dr. Hu "Tiger" Yang - Developing vicarious calibration for microwave sounding instruments using lunar radiation

5.General discussions for new recommendations and suggestion


This is the first meeting lead by the new co-chair team, Qifeng Lu (incumbent) and Mark Liu (replaces Ralph Ferraro). Both of them gave an overview of important aspects of MW calibration, linkages to other programs, and what the group should focus on during the upcoming year. (See their slides for details).

Lizzie Good provided a summary of 183 GHz FCDR's work performed at UKMO as part of the FIDUCEO project. EUMETSAT also producing FCDR's, her work is comparing FIDUCEO and EUMETSAT data sets. MHS, MWHS and ATMS. Detailed analysis shows that there is stable, reasonable agreement across the time series, however, there are period "data jumps" that are different for the various water vapor bands. They used ERA5 simulations in their analysis, including double difference method with S-NPP ATMS as a refernece. The MHS on MOA and MOB are more stable then their FY-3A, -3B and -3C MWS counterparts. Finally, used SNO's with M-T SAPHIR. Overall, the FCDR's are of good quality, with the Metop being the most stable, followed by S-NPP and then FY-3. Overall, the uncertainties of all of the FCDR's at 183 GHz are 1 K or less. (refer to her slides).

Likun Wang presented some work on Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to Enhance Spatial Resolution of ATMS Images. His initial work focused on Channel 16. Uses a super-resolution convolutional NN (SRCNN). Good results but further analysis needed. (refer to his slides).

Tiger Yang presented work on Developing vicarious calibration for MW sensors using lunar radiation. His focus is on the ATMS sensor. He gave a nice overview on how the moon can be used to characterize the ATMS sensor calibration. Results were recently published (refer to his slides).

Manik mentioned about the GSICS Users Workshop (Nov. 1, part of ITWG) and asked for abstracts to be submitted.

New Actions:



Guest Chair: !. Lu/Q. Liu

CMA: Qifeng Lu, Miao Zhang, Shengli Wu


EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Viju John, Timo Hanschmaan

KMA: Jun Park

Hamburg University: Martin Burgdorf

JAXA: Misako Kachi


NOAA: Ralph Ferraro, Mark Liu


University of Maryland: Manik Bali, Isaac Moradi, Rachel Kroodsma, Tiger Yang, Likun Wang

UKMO: Fabien Caminati, Lizzie Good, Christopher Tsamalis

Others: Bruno Picard

-- RalphFerraro - 23 Jul 2019

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
183GHz_Evaluation-short.pdfpdf 183GHz_Evaluation-short.pdf manage 386 K 23 Jul 2019 - 17:59 RalphFerraro Lizzie Good Presentation
Likun_Wang_ATMS_SRCNN_Jul222019.pdfpdf Likun_Wang_ATMS_SRCNN_Jul222019.pdf manage 3 MB 23 Jul 2019 - 17:59 RalphFerraro Likun Wang Slides
wiki_gsics_lunarcal_hyang.pdfpdf wiki_gsics_lunarcal_hyang.pdf manage 12 MB 24 Jul 2019 - 14:17 RalphFerraro Hu Yang Slides
Topic revision: r4 - 24 Jul 2019, RalphFerraro
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