-- LaRCDoelling - 22 Jun 2021

GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2021-05-13

GSICS VIS/NIR sub-group Monthly Web Meeting for May 2021

The next GSICS VIS/NIR meeting will be held on May 13, 2021 during the usual time between 7- 9 AM (USA-EDT)

Check your time.

The proposed schedule/agenda for the May 13, 2021 GSICS VIS/NIR web meeting is as shown in table below:

Please contact me via email in case of any of the following is applicable to you:
If your name is not in the table and you would like to present at this meeting, please email me with the title of the presentation.
If you are a sheduled presenter and cannot present on this date, please email me as soon as possible so that we can switch meeting dates.
If you would like present at a future meeting, please email me a title for your presentation.

Presenter Name Agency Title
Jing Wang CMA Pre-launch analysis of Rapid Scan Imager aboard FY-4B from TVAC test
Vincent Leroy Rayference

Eradiate, a 3D open-source radiative transfer model to support CalVal activities

Tae Hyeong OH

Lunar calibration of AMI visible channels using GIRO

Manik Bali

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Topic revision: r3 - 23 Jun 2021, LaRCDoelling
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