-- LaRCDoelling - 08 Nov 2021

GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2021-12-09

GSICS VIS/NIR sub-group Monthly Web Meeting for December 2021

The next GSICS VIS/NIR meeting was held on December 09, 2021 during the usual time between 6 - 8 AM (USA-EST).

Check your time.

The proposed schedule/agenda for the December 09, 2021 GSICS VIS/NIR web meeting is as shown in table below:

If you are a scheduled presenter and cannot present on this date, please email me as soon as possible so that we can switch meeting dates.If you would like present at a future meeting, please email me a title for your presentation.

Presenter Name



Peng Zhang


CSA Libra CSRB project

Dave Doelling


Summary of the CLARREO Pathfinder science team meeting

Arata Okuyama


Agency CLARREO Objectives

Sebastien Wagner


Agency CLARREO Objectives

Fred Wu


Agency CLARREO Objectives

Other Agency Presentations


Lightning round of agency 1-2 slide presentations for CLARREO pathfinder observations requiring pointing outside of cross-track operations. CLARREO will not have a lot time during the first year for special pointing operations but will there after. GSICS to provide a document to the CLARREO team, that identify imagers for inter-calibration with CLARREO during the 2023-2027 record as well as ground site or PICS CLARREO characterization observations that are important for each GSICS agency.

Manik requested that the CLARREO team provide sample CLARREO L1B netCDF file data. If agencies require specific parameters or parameter uncertainties should also be included in the lightning round.

Raj Bhatt


DCC ATBD discussion

Meeting Summary

List of Attendees

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Topic revision: r7 - 15 Dec 2021, LaRCDoelling
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