Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2024-05-22

  1. [120 mins] Focus Group Status Discusssions (Shengli Wu – CMA and Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez - NOAA)
  2. [30 mins] Other Business (Shengli Wu – CMA and Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez - NOAA)


CMA: Shengli Wu, Juyang Hu

DWD: Karsten Fennig

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Timo Hanschmann

Hamburg University: Martin Burgdorf

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics: Thomas Müller

NIST: Dazhen Gu

NOAA: Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, Siena Iacovazzi, Yong-Keun Lee

UK Met Office: Fabien Carminati

University of Maryland: Hu Yang


The goal of the meeting is to communicate status and path forward plans for the Focus Groups, as well as for developing/adopting microwave related uncertainty framework(s) and glossary(ies). Full meeting notes can be found by clicking HERE.

The outbriefs from participating Focus Group leads offered many points of discussion.
  • For the Direct MW Radiometer Inter-comparison Method Focus Group, Tim Hewison offered a presentation that provided details were provided regarding the “Way of Working” for the focus group. It also provided a description of the framework for the literature review on the SNO method, the spreadsheet that chronicles past developments of this method, and a path forward for the group. This spreadsheet includes preliminary reviews of vicarious and NWP inter-calibration methods, which could be continued within the respective focus groups.
  • The MW Radiometer Lunar Calibration Focus Group, led by Tiger Yang, will focus on three main activities, including MW Lunar RTM model development, Lunar radiance measurements based on satellite observations, and Lunar observations applications.
  • No activity was reported by the other Focus Groups: The MW Radiometer Technology and Instrument Pre-Launch Testing and Post-Launch Characterization Focus Group (led by Dazhen Gu and Juyang Hu); The MW Radiometer Vicarious Calibration Focus Group (led by Shengli Wu); The Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) Facilitated MW Radiometer Inter-calibration Focus Group (leadership unfilled); and the MW Radiometer Applications Focus Group (led by Chengzhi Zou).
  • Due to the small number of participants, it was decided that the activities of the “Vicarious Calibration Focus Group” will be absorbed into other subgroups, where appropriate, since its overlap with these other methods a significant.
  • There are many technical points of discussion that arose that are covered in the minutes.

Outcomes and Actions

  • SUBGROUP DECISION(Flavio and Shengli): The activities of the “Vicarious Calibration Focus Group” will be absorbed into other subgroups, where appropriate, since its overlap with these other methods a significant.
  • PROPOSED SMALL-GROUP IN-PERSON MEETINGS(Dazhen): Dazhen Gu proposed a small group discussion at IGARSS and EUMETSAT meetings to get the The MW Radiometer Technology and Instrument Pre-Launch Testing and Post-Launch Characterization Focus Group started. Details will be posted as they develop.
  • A.GMW.20240522.1: Dazhen (NIST) Will send out by 2024-05-31 an email to possible points of contact that may contribute to the workshop. Also, will have a small group discussion at IGARSS and EUMETSAT meetings to get this started. Will also draft an email that can be sent to the whole MW Subgroup alerting people of these small group discussions at the upcoming IGARSS and EUMETSAT meetings.
  • A.GMW.20240522.2: Siena (NOAA) Send out by 2024-05-31 Dazhen’s email alerting people of these small group discussions at the upcoming IGARSS and EUMETSAT meetings.
  • A.GMW.20240522.3: Tiger (UMD) Share with Siena by 2024-05-31 the link to the 2022 document regarding evaluation of 1/f noise that provided a number, a percentage of the 1/f noise, to help evaluate the impact to the instrument noise performance. Siena will distribute this link to the full GSICS MW Subgroup membership.
  • A.GMW.20240522.4: Siena (NOAA) Will send an emails to Ninghai and Cheng-zhi requesting a Focus Group status reports. [CLOSED]
  • A.GMW.20240522.5: Siena (NOAA) Send Juyang the link to the COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center, and also links to papers about using them to compute O-B antenna temperature biases. [CLOSED]
  • A.GMW.20240522.6: Tiger (UMD) Tiger will provide by 2024-08-15 the doc about how the Tangent loss model is implemented
  • A.GMW.20240522.7: Siena (NOAA) Set up a Doodle Poll for the next general meeting [CLOSED]
  • A.GMW.20240522.8: Siena (NOAA) Add the Focus Group points of contact information on the MW Subgroup page of the GSICS Wiki [CLOSED]
  • A.GMW.20240522.9: Tim (UMD) Create a page for this meeting on the GSICS Wiki [CLOSED]
Topic revision: r7 - 29 May 2024, RobbiIacovazzi
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