The topic lists known applications of Composite Satellite Imagery, the users of which may be interested in GSICS products - particular Common Reference Channels.
It was compiled in response to Action GRWG06_16.
University of Wisconsin-Madison/Antarctic Meteorological Res. Center/CIMSS/SSRC (Matthew Lazzara) - GEO and LEO satellite composites for the mosaic display over Antarctic and Arctic regions [Email from Fangfang Yu, 2012-02-24]
WMO RGB project composite activity
CMSAF (DWD) have built a global composite of Free Tropospheric Humidity from Meteosat-9, -7, MTSAT-1R, GOES-11 and -12, defining their own Common Reference Channels. [Phone call from Marc Schroeder, 2013-06-14 - see also presentation at 2014 Annual Meeting ].
Meteo-France (Lanion) - use RGB composites idependently from single GEO satellites, but have no interest for intercalibrated or normalized imagery, since they are maintaining customized algorithms, with specific tuning and validation for each new imager. [Email from Dominique Levaillant 2013-03-20]
NCEP have a short project of NESDIS to generate a composite of the four geostationary satellites: GOES-E, GOES-W, MTSAT and Meteosat. The data files are from NESDIS ADDE McIDAS format. [Email from Xu Li, 2014-01-23]