Space Weather Sub-Group Meeting 2024-05-22


  1. GSICS Quarterly Newsletter: Special Issue on SWx CrossCal

  2. Discussion on PRBEM Data Analysis Procedure at COSPAR

  3. Action Items
  4. Next Meeting
  5. AOB


GSICS Quarterly Newsletter: Special Issue on SWx CrossCal

Deadline is 25 August 2024

Max 1100 words incl. title and references, max 2 figures, 1 table

Will send reminder 1.5 months before

Each author to provide title and outline

Past example (2015) of GSICS Newsletter article on particle cross-cal:

Manik: Number of articles is OK.

Discussion on PRBEM Data Analysis Procedure at COSPAR

Two time slots for discussion at PRBEM.1 session at Busan COSPAR meeting
  • July 17, 2024 15:50-16:10: Review on PRBEM Data Analysis Procedure
  • July 17 2024 16:10-16:30 Discussion – GSICS International collaborative effort
Who is attending in person?
  • NOAA clarified that no one from NCEI Boulder will attend – will check with other parts of NOAA.
  • Someone from KMA will attend other COSPAR sessions but not sure who. If attend, will be there.
To plan, have another subgroup meeting before COSPAR

Action Items

1. Define GSICS product: Hugh Evans not present. Discussion deferred to next meeting.

3a. Data levels: Have ESA, NOAA, CMA definitions. Waiting for information from other agencies. Continue to work on this.

3b. Proposing application using multiple satellites – still in work.

4. Compare methods to PRBEM. Ongoing.

7. Decision point on intercal method: Postponed to after COSPAR-2024 discussion.

Manik: where are these actions from? Not on action tracker. Nagatsuma-san: how to use the action tracker? Manik: send actions to me, will instruct from there.

Next sub-group meeting

Before or after COSPAR? Before COSPAR, in order to prepare for discussion. Goal is to choose a time that works for ESA colleagues.


No other business.

Meeting closed at 1230 UT.


CMA: Cong Huang

KMA: Daeheyon Oh, Jae-Youg By

NICT: Tsutomu Nagatsuma (Chair)

NOAA: Juan Rodriguez(Note taking), Athanasios Boudouridis, Manik Bali

WMO: Jesse Andries
Topic revision: r2 - 24 May 2024, TsutomuNagatsuma
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