GPPA review of Himawari-8-IASI-(A/B)/AIRS cross calibration product

The Himawari-8-IASI/AIRS cross calibration product follows the MTSAT-IASI/AIRS cross calibration product that JMA had in Demo Phase during the lifetime of the MTSAT. This MTSAT-IASI cross calibration product had satisfied the GPPA Demo Phase criterion and the now submitted H 8-IASI/AIRS cross calibration product is built above the previous product in the sense that the algorithms and ATBD's have already been reviewed for acceptance. The Himawari series of GEO instruments is advanced GEO satellites of the GOES class. Cross calibration of the H8/9 has been carried on and reported on a daily basis ( See here ). -- ManikBali - 14 Aug 2017 ---+++++

Demo GPPA Time line

  1. Product: Submission 14 Aug 2017 1 Review completed (Tim Hewison, Manik Bali) and GRWG Chair (Kim Doheyong) consent received 8 Sept 2017
  2. Daily upload of Product on EUMETSAT THREDDS server Oct end 2017- Till date
  3. GCC informed on daily upload 10 Dec 2017
  4. GDWG Co-Chair (Peter Miu ) Consent (+review) received 12/13/2017

---+++ Product
---+++ *Step* ---+++ *GPAF* ---+++ *Task* ---+++ *Who* ---+++ *Due/
---++++ Submission 1 §I Product Provider Information Product provider t1=0 ATBD
§II.1 Brief Product Description
§II.2 Product Scope within GSICS
§II.3 Product function and performance specifications
§III.1.A.1 Adherence to GSICS file naming standard
§III.1.A.2 Adherence to GSICS file format convention
§III.1.B Preliminary ATBD
2 Submit GPAF and preliminary ATBD
to GCC Deputy for review to GPAT
Product provider t2=2015-09-02
3 Determine if GPAF filled out correctly. Decide if product ABTD is adequate. Decide if product within GSICS scope. GPAT t2+6wk
4 GPAT feedback given to Product provider GCC Director t3+1wk
5 Upload sample file to GSICS data server Product provider
GDWG Chair
Done for RAC NRT
6 Determine if sample file follows GSICS conventions GDWG Chair t5+2wk
7 Remediate any GPAF issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider,
GCC Director
t4+20d Received 3 reviews 1. Tim Hewison ( See Below)
2. Manik Bali ( See attached ) 3. Peter Miu ( Consent + review see below) GPAT Reviews taken care of
8 Product enters *Demonstration Phase* GCC Director EP requested “123” docs: 1. Impact report and 2. Product validation report See 1 Below 3. alt. cal coeffs val report 3 not relevant Related emails stated below
---++++ Demonstration 9
Product Accepted in Demo Phase in GSICS

Memo of GCC Director (Lawrence E. Flynn) to GSICS EP
GCC Director t8+2wk
10 Arrange routine upload of Product to a GSICS data server
Agree on file retention policy
GDWG Chair,
GRWG Chair,
Product provider
11 Notify GSICS users and invite feedback from them GCC Director t10
12 §III.1.B Complete full ATBD - Submit to GCC Director Product provider t8+3m
§III.1.C Product traceability to standards - Submit to GCC Director
13 Review submitted documents (ATBD and product traceability to standards) GPAT
14 Remediate any document issues according to the GPAT and user feedback Product provider t13+1m
15 §III.2.A Radiative transfer models Product provider t8+6m
§III.2.B Cal/val supporting measurements
16 Examine submitted documents
(radiative transfer models and cal/val supporting measurements)
GPAT t15+1m
17 Collect and disseminate user feedback regarding product's data usability and format GCC Director t8+6m
18 Remediate any document or data issues according to GPAT and user feedback Product provider
GCC Director
*19* *Make consensus decision whether to continue Product acceptance process* *GPAT* *t18+2w*
20 Notify Executive Panel of status of the Product's acceptance process GCC Director t19+2w
21 §III.3.A Product Quality Documents (Uncertainty and Traceability) Product provider t8+10m
22 Examine the submitted Product Quality Document GPAT t21+1m
23 Remediate any document issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider t22+1m
24 Once all issues are resolved, Product enters *Pre-operational Phase* GCC Director t8+1y
---++++ *Pre-operational* 25 Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to Exec Panel GCC Director t24+2w
26 Exec Panel review GPAT recommendations and send feedback to GCC Director Exec Panel t25+6w
27 GCC Director notifies Product provider about Executive Panel feedback GCC Director t26+2w
28 §III.2.C Analysis software documentation Product provider t24+3m
§III.2.D Product version control plan
§III.3.B Operations and distribution plan
§III.3.C Users' Guide
29 Examine submitted documents + Provide feedback
(product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and user's guide)
GPAT t28+1m
30 Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following Exec Panel and GPAT feedback Product provider t29+1m
31 Review remediation material and decides if requirements are now satisfied.
Send final recommendation to the GCC Director.
GPAT t30+3w
---++++ Operational 32 GCC Director notifies Exec Panel that product has satisfied all requirements to enter *Operational Phase* GCC Director t31+1w
1. The Impact and Validation report in the context of the AHI Vs IASI intercalibration should be looked by the prism of small differences between the AHI and IASI. These small differences result in little or no direct impact on downstream products developed from AHI radiances. However when used in applications such as physical retrieval of SST such small differences can minimize the errors in SST. Such a use was demonstrated by JAXA and presented in the GSICS Annual Meeting 2017 in Wisconcin see here Impact report

On Friday, September 8, 2017, Dohy Kim <> wrote: Dear Manik

My opinion is that it is ok as it is to move on Demo phase for the Himawari-8/AHI vs. IASI/AIRS IR correction.

I can understand the Masaya's decision to start at the Demo phase. I hope the Himawari-8 product to be submitted to Pre-Operational phase soon.

Best regards,



---+++ Peter Miu <>

Sent: 13 December 2017

to me, Masaya, Larry, Tim, yogo


Hi all, I have reviewed the products and confirm that they follow the GSICS Data Management Working Group’s agreed conventions for filenames, delivery format, meta-data and data content. I have monitored that the products have been regularly uploaded to a GSICS collaboration server, and are accessible by the users as well as these products can be visualised by the GSICS product plotting tool. As the GDWG chair responsible for this part of the GPPA, my recommendation is for these products to move to the next phase of the GPPA. Regards, Peter Miu GDWG co-chair.

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 11:50 AM, Tim Hewison <> wrote:
Hi Manik, Thanks for this very nice submission to the GSICS Product Acceptance. I particularly like the product’s explanation in §2.1 of the GPAF! Overall, I am happy for this product to enter Demonstration phase. I did not spot any problems with the file naming on content of the example netCDF files. My review of the GPAF and associated ATBD only picked up the few minor comments: 1 1. The linked website ( also gives a very nice overview of the algorithm, but does not explain exactly how to apply the products to AHI data and does not replace a user guide. For example I do not find a description of all the variables included in the netCDF files, except buried deep in the ATBD (§6.d.iv.2). While this is OK to allow the product to enter Demonstration mode, such a guide will be needed for promotion to higher levels of maturity. 1 2. This page also mentions CrIS data is processed, but this appears not to be included in the products. I would like to know the reason. ATBD: 1 3. Figure 6 is missing a text label. 1 4. 4.a.iv.2 – Please define the units for max_STDV 1 5. Where is Outline_JMA_Intercal_System.ppt? Cheers, Tim

Clarification On the Impact Report (E-Mail: Masaya Takahashi, 14 Aug 2017) The impacts of using AHI IR GSICS Correction on users' applications are
expected to be generally small because the AHI biases are small and stable
(e.g. performance report on, but it
could have non-negligible impacts on specific applications such as SST.
The GPERF (GSICS Product External Review Form) for Pre-Op Phase will be
the impact report. Manik Review and Response can be found here
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
20170814_Ahi8GeoLeoIrDemo.zipzip manage 2 MB 14 Aug 2017 - 16:15 ManikBali Document and Product Sample sent for GPPA review
2g_JAXA_AgencyReport_imact_report.pptxpptx 2g_JAXA_AgencyReport_imact_report.pptx manage 790 K 12 Dec 2017 - 02:16 ManikBali Impact Validation Report
JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision.docxdocx JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision.docx manage 26 K 12 Dec 2017 - 02:28 ManikBali  
JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision_Final (2).docxdocx JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision_Final (2).docx manage 25 K 14 Dec 2017 - 00:17 ManikBali GCC Director Memo to EP
JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision_Final.docxdocx JMA_Himwari-8-AHI_iasi_acceptance_decision_Final.docx manage 25 K 14 Dec 2017 - 00:19 ManikBali GCC Director Memo to EP
gdwg_review_MT (1).docxdocx gdwg_review_MT (1).docx manage 141 K 06 Sep 2017 - 16:30 ManikBali Manik Review and Masaya Response
Topic revision: r9 - 14 Dec 2017, ManikBali
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