Guide: How to Plan GRWG/GDWG Annual Meetings
Typical outline of the agenda:
- Monday: Plenary Session - “Mini Conference” (interesting items that are not yet directly linked to GSICS Products)
- The Mini Conference allows meeting participants and observers to present their recent calibration activities, which may not be covered in the agenda of the main meeting, but are nevertheless of interest to development of future inter-calibration products.
- Tuesday: Plenary Session - Reports and Briefs
- Management Reports - GRWG/GDWG/GCC Chairs to give reports on the achievements of the last year and brief on planned activities for this year.
- Agency Reports - Each member agency is invited to provide a presentation to present their progress regarding the actions of previous meetings. Other issues of concern to each agency and plans on inter-calibration activities may also be reported.
- Cross-cutting Topics among GRWG/GDWG/GCC may also be discussed.
- Wednesday & Thursday: Break-out sessions for GRWG/GDWG (2-3 parallel sessions at the maximum).
- Friday: Plenary Session - Discussing remaining cross-cutting issues, reporting outcomes, and planning future meetings.
Guidance for Chairs to Plan the Annual Meetings:
12-6 months before the meeting:
- GRWG/GDWG chairs to send an announcement to gsics-dev mailing list - like this one.
- Host organisation provide details of remote access possibilities.
6-4 months before the meeting:
- GRWG chairs to establish requirements for sub-group sessions with their respective chairs.
- GRWG/GDWG chairs to create a meeting page on the Wiki.
- Launching a meeting page on local host's website (e.g. 2017 and 2018) is optional.
- Identify any other experts we should invite.
- Attendance of the meeting is by invitation only. This normally includes official members of GRWG/GDWG/GCC, but we can also choose to invite anyone else as experts/observers.
- Host organisation to send formal invitation to GRWG/GDWG/GCC official members and any identified experts.
- Host organisation to identify visa requirements and issue letters of support needed for visa applications ASAP.
- GCC to make an announcement of the meeting in GSICS Quarterly.
- All chairs to coordinate outline agenda via email to confirm timings, visits, dinners/receptions and accommodation
4-1 months before the meeting:
- Chairs to define detailed agenda, identifying chairs and minute takers for each session - maybe in a web meeting
- GRWG/GDWG chairs to set up meeting agenda/minutes pages online (e.g. Zoho, Google and Microsoft OneDrive)
- Zoho has been used for the past years to enable all the participants to access them
- Agree technology to record minutes.
1 week before the meeting:
- Host organisation to set up remote access for each session and distribute details.
Within 1 month of the meeting:
- GRWG/GDWG chairs to upload the presentations to the Wiki and to circulate draft meeting minutes to the meeting participants.
Within 2 month of the meeting:
- GRWG/GDWG chairs to circulate the final draft minutes to gsics-dev mailing list and ask WMO to upload the final report to the WMO's documentation space.