Calibration Landing Pages
A concept is to make calibration information available though the WMO-OSCAR web-portal. For this purpose, each GPRC is asked to create and maintain stable landing pages (a single landing page per instrument per satellite) where information (or links to information) is displayed for the following 5 categories:
- Instrument Specification (documents on instruments baseline physical basis)
- Instrument Events (database or documents of calibration related events)
- Instrument Monitoring (database or documents following state of the instrument)
- Data Outages (database or documents with instrument outage dates)
- Relevant Documents (documnts on data usage and data calibration and validation)
In details on the Landing Pages, please refer to
a white paper submitted to CGMS-45.
Pre-launch Calibration & Characterization Data Requirements
Draft GSICS Technical Note:
Instrument pre-launch calibration and characterization data requirements.docx
Spectral Response Functions
Overlaps between Geostationary Satellites
- A collection of information resulting from the following action: Action GRWG06_17: Find out time overlaps between geostationary satellites (commissioning and operational periods), find out about the availability of such data and publish this information on the GSICIS Wiki, All GPRCs by end of 2011.
- EUMETSAT/Meteosat
- All the operational Meteosat 2 through Meteosat-10 data is available to the public from the EUMETSAT Data Centre.
- Commissioning data is recorded in the Archive starting in the year 1999. Commissioning data is not available to the public. On special request to the EUMETSAT via their User Service helpdesk (Email: ops(at), it can be made available to support scientific analysis.
- General Meteosat Information can be found here: Past Satellites operational periods, and Current Satellites operational periods
- The overlaps between geostationary satellites (Action GRWG06_17) can be viewed by the following interactive chart of the Meteosat High Rate SEVIRI L1.5 Image Data archived in the Data Centre. Go to Availability of Meteosat Data (L1.5) Chart
- Additional charts showing coverage and availability of archived data from all EUMETSAT Meteosat satellites can be found here, goto the section titled "ARCHIVED METEOSAT DATA".
- JMA/Himawari-8, MTSAT-1R/-2
- Operation of MTSAT-1R started on June 28, 2005. MTSAT-2 took over the meteorological observation operation from MTSAT-1R on July 1, 2010. Himawari-8 took over from MTSAT-2 on July 7, 2015.
- Operation of MTSAT-2 was stopped on October 7, 2010 due to a failure of image data processing on the MTSAT-2\x92s ground system. From then on, the maintenance of the MTSAT's ground system is conducted every year. During the maintenance, MTSAT-1R is brought back into the meteorological observation. The schedule is listed below. It can be found on
- Commissioning periods of MTSAT: There are some time overlaps between MTSAT-1R and MTSAT-2 observation, for example, commissioning period or MTSAT-2 was from May 11, 2010 to June 30, 2010. However, the data are not available to the public. [Masaya Takahashi, 2013-02-13]
- All the operational GOES 8 through 15 (except for GOES-14, not operational yet) Imager and Sounder data are available to the public at NOAA CLASS
- The VISSR/VAS (GOES-7 and earlier) operational data are also available at NOAA CLASS.
- All the commissioning data are not available to the public.
- GOES-East (75W) operational satellites overlap with GOES-West(135W) operational ones.
GOES-East and GOES-West Satellites' History
[Fangfang Yu, 2013-02-25]