GPPA Checklist for EUMETSAT Prime Product for Meteosat/SEVIRI IR Channels








1 §I Product Provider Information Product provider


§II.1 Brief Product Description
§II.2 Product Scope within GSICS
§II.3 Product function and performance specifications
§III.1.A.1 Adherence to GSICS file naming standard
§III.1.A.2 Adherence to GSICS file format convention
§III.1.B Preliminary ATBD
2 Submit GPAF and preliminary ATBD
to GCC Deputy for review to GPAT
Product provider t2=2015-09-02

Determine if GPAF filled out correctly.

Decide if product ABTD is adequate. Decide if product within GSICS scope.
GPAT t2+6wk
4 GPAT feedback given to Product provider GCC Director t3+1wk
5 Upload sample file to GSICS data server Product provider
GDWG Chair
Done for MSG1, MSG2 and MSG3
6 Determine if sample file follows GSICS conventions GDWG Chair t5+2wk
7 Remediate any GPAF issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider,
GCC Director


Received 2 reviews

1. Masaya

2. Manik

Underway* GPAT Reviews taken care of
8 Once all issues resolved, product enters Demonstration Phase GCC Director



EP requested “123” docs:

1. Impact report ( would be provided in the coming months)
2. P roduct validation report
3. alt. cal coeffs val report
- 1 & 3 not relevant until pre-op

GCC Director recommended inclusion in Demo Phase

Related emails stated below


9 Notify Exec Panel about Product entering Demonstration Phase GCC Director t8+2wk
10 Arrange routine upload of Product to a GSICS data server
Agree on file retention policy

GDWG Chair,
GRWG Chair,
Product provider
11 Notify GSICS users and invite feedback from them GCC Director t10
12 §III.1.B Complete full ATBD - Submit to GCC Director Product provider t8+3m
§III.1.C Product traceability to standards - Submit to GCC Director
13 Review submitted documents (ATBD and product traceability to standards)

14 Remediate any document issues according to the GPAT and user feedback Product provider t13+1m
15 §III.2.A Radiative transfer models Product provider t8+6m
§III.2.B Cal/val supporting measurements
16 Examine submitted documents
(radiative transfer models and cal/val supporting measurements)
GPAT t15+1m
17 Collect and disseminate user feedback regarding product's data usability and format GCC Director t8+6m
18 Remediate any document or data issues according to GPAT and user feedback

Product provider
GCC Director
19 Make consensus decision whether to continue Product acceptance process GPAT t18+2w
20 Notify Executive Panel of status of the Product's acceptance process GCC Director t19+2w
21 §III.3.A Product Quality Documents (Uncertainty and Traceability) Product provider t8+10m
22 Examine the submitted Product Quality Document GPAT t21+1m
23 Remediate any document issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider t22+1m
24 Once all issues are resolved, Product enters Pre-operational Phase GCC Director t8+1y


25 Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to Exec Panel GCC Director t24+2w
26 Exec Panel review GPAT recommendations and send feedback to GCC Director Exec Panel t25+6w
27 GCC Director notifies Product provider about Executive Panel feedback GCC Director t26+2w
28 §III.2.C Analysis software documentation Product provider t24+3m
§III.2.D Product version control plan
§III.3.B Operations and distribution plan
§III.3.C Users' Guide
29 Examine submitted documents + Provide feedback
(product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and user's guide)
GPAT t28+1m
30 Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following Exec Panel and GPAT feedback Product provider t29+1m
31 Review remediation material and decides if requirements are now satisfied.
Send final recommendation to the GCC Director.
GPAT t30+3w


32 GCC Director notifies Exec Panel that product has satisfied all requirements to enter Operational Phase GCC Director t31+1w

Review of GSICS-EUMETSAT Prime Reference Product

On 2 Sept 2015 EUMETSAT submitted to GCC Prime Reference product for review. After an initial review Manik Bali @ GCC forwarded the product to GPAT members for a review.

As part of the submission the following documents were submitted to the GCC


So far only 1 reviewer has responded ( Masaya Takahashi)

The following part of the GPPA is being followed at this time
  1. Fill out Sections I, II, III.1.A.1, and III.1.A.2 of the GSICS Product Acceptance Form (GPAF). Also, fill out Section III.1.B (ATBD) of the GPAF, but during the Submission Phase the ATBD needs only to be a preliminary version. The ATBD could be a journal article, technical memorandum or other documentation of the method used to make the product.
    • Who: Product provider
    • Done
  2. Submit the GPAF and preliminary ATBD for review to the GSICS Product Acceptance Team (GPAT) via the GSICS Coordination Center (GCC) Deputy.
    • Who: Product provider
    • Done
  3. Determine if the GPAF is filled out correctly and decide if the product theoretical basis is adequate and the product scope is within the GSICS domain.
    • Who: GPAT
    • Due: 6 weeks after the GPAF submission
    • Done
  4. GPAT feedback given to the Product provider.
    • Who: GCC Director
    • Due: 7 weeks from GPAF submission
    • Done
  5. Upload a sample file to a GSICS data server if GPAT feedback is affirmative.
    • Who: Product provider, GDWG Chairman
    • Due: One week after GPAT feedback regarding GPAF form submission
    • Done
    • Link to Server
7. Remediate any GPAF issues according to the GPAT feedback.
  • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
  • Due: Within 20 days after sending GPAT feedback to the Product provider
  • Underway
Author Response to initial submision ( see here )

1. ATBD ( After First review )

2. Product Available here

8. Once all issues are resolved, the product enters the Demonstration Phase .
  • Who: GCC Director in consultation with the GPAT
  • Due: Within 90 days of the GPAF submission
  • Pending
9. Upload a sample file to a GSICS data server if GPAT feedback is affirmative.
    • Who: Product provider, GDWG Chairman
    • Due: One week after GPAT feedback regarding GPAF form submission
    • Done Link to Server
10. Determine if the sample file follows the GSICS netCDF and file naming conventions.
  • Who: GDWG Chairman
  • Due: 2 weeks after successful product sample file upload
  • Pending
11. Remediate any GPAF issues according to the GPAT feedback.
  • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
  • Due: Within 20 days after sending GPAT feedback to the Product provider
  • Pending
  • Pending
12. Once all issues are resolved, the product enters the Demonstration Phase .

Who: GCC Director in consultation with the GPAT
    • Due: Within 90 days of the GPAF submission
    • Pending
From: Kenneth Holmlund

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:24 AM
To: Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal
Cc: Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate; Tim Hewison
Subject: RE: Clarifications for Prime GSICS Corrections to enter Demo Phase

This is fine for me!

Merry Christmas


From: Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 5:48 PM
To: Kenneth Holmlund
Cc: Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate; Tim Hewison
Subject: Re: Clarifications for Prime GSICS Corrections to enter Demo Phase


I view Tim's reply as sufficient for GCC to move the product forward to the Demonstration phase.

Please let us know if you see the need for any additional steps.

Larry Flynn, GCC Director

Tim Hewison

Dec 19 (3 days ago)

to Manik Bali, Kenneth, Larry

Hi Manik,

1a) We have been discussing how to do an impact study on these Prime GSICS Corrections, and hope to put together a plan in the New Year. However, it is likely to be several more months before one is done.

1c) This product is not intended to generated alternative calibration coefficients for Near Real-Time applications. As such, no “Alternative Calibration Report” will be generated. Given this, and as no other agencies currently embed their products in their L1c, I hope it will not be an issue to waive this requirement.

2) I did consider a change in terminology as requested by this action. We agreed to change the name of the Primary GSICS Reference to the Anchor GSICS Reference for the reference used, but keep the name Prime GSICS Correction for the product. Could you please add a note to this affect in the GSICS Operations Plan?

rom: Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate []
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 8:25 PM
To: Kenneth Holmlund; Tim Hewison; Larry Flynn
Subject: Clarifications for Prime GSICS Corrections to enter Demo Phase

Dear Ken and Tim,

Over the last few months Tim has contacted GCC about acceptance of Prime Product in the demo and iterated his product to make it user friendly. GCC has uploaded the reviews and each step that was followed in the submission phase, on the review page here. The reviewers recommendations are also uploaded on this page.

We need a few agency level clarifications from EUMETSAT before accepting this product in Demo Phase. These mainly pertain 1) EUMETSAT internal procedures which we dont want to trespass while applying the GPPA 2) Points raised by GSICS member regarding this product.

1) EUMETSAT internal procedures


a) Impact report ( Impact of using the GSICS corrections) -> Please clarify when will it be provided

b) Validation report - > Preliminary version of the report provided by EUMETSAT to GCC that has been reviewed by Masaya and accepted by GCC. Future versions would be provided at the next GPPA phase i.e Pre-Op.

c)Alternative Calibration Report : This is a report on embedding correction coeff in the GEO L1C (MPEF ) product. Ideally this is an internal procedure followed at EUMETSAT and not always applicable to all GSICS members. NOAA does not have the ability to embed GSICS correction in its GVAR. GCC can make it optionalif requested by EUMETSAT

2) Points raised by member regarding this product.

Considering the action generated in the annual meeting

Action: GRWG.2016.3e.1: Tim Hewison to consider revising terminology used in the current “Primary GSICS Corrections”, during demonstration phase.

Alternative name: Meteosat IASI-A Anchor Corrections" Please send in your agency views on these points so that we can move ahead and make preparations for making the product Demo.



Reply from Tim Hewison

We can proceed on this basis for many product submissions, including our DCC products. These are based on an algorithm that has been developed communally within GSICS. As such it has already been reviewed by other GSICS members. However, we don\x92t have any written evidence of that review process, except minutes of the meetings.

However, we don\x92t have any such documents for the GSICS Prime Corrections. In this case, the algorithm was developed mostly by me. It is considered a higher risk product development, so the candidate products are generated from my prototype code running in a non-operational environment. Here we rely on peer review through GSICS to validate the approach. It is likely that other potential demonstration products will be in the same boat.

Topic revision: r14 - 09 Jan 2017, ManikBali
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