-- LaRCDoelling - 19 Jan 2023

GRWG/GDWG Web Meeting 2023-??-??

GSICS VIS/NIR sub-group Monthly Web Meeting for Month 2023

The next GSICS VIS/NIR meeting will be held on Date between 7 - 9 AM (USA-EST).

Check your time.

Meeting Web Page

The schedule/agenda for the Date GSICS VIS/NIR web meeting

If you are a scheduled presenter and cannot present on this date, please email me as soon as possible so that we can switch meeting dates.If you would like present at a future meeting, please email me a title for your presentation.

Presenter Name



Jack Xiong


Impact of Terra & Aqua drifting orbits on MODIS calibration

Raj Bhatt


DCC GEO reference reflectance based on VIIRS


Discussion of the Lunar SLIM code conversion

ALERT: All meeting participants consent to, and will abide by, the terms and conditions viewable at the LEGAL . No ITAR/EAR content display or sharing without consent from Export Control.


Meeting Summary

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jan 2023, LaRCDoelling
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