GRWG Web Meeting
Review GSICS product types and strategy for LEO-LEO products
Agree potential types of GSICS products. Outline possible strategies for LEO-LEO products and application of these to re-calibrate data archives of other instruments.
(This meeting is primarily intended to get people thinking about these topics before the next GRWG meeting in Korea.)
Jörg Schulz (EUMETSAT) -
Re-calibration of Meteosat archive using HIRS
Dave Doelling (NASA) -
Inter-calibration of MODIS instruments on Terra and Aqua
Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) -
Feedback from potential users on Common Reference Channels for GEO
Hiromi Owada (JMA) - Application of the GSICS Correction to Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) product:
All -
Discussion: Review of Product Types & Strategy for LEO-LEO Products
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison (chair), Joerg Schulz, Marianne Koenig
NASA: Dave Doelling
JMA: Hiromi Owada, Arata Okuyama
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Bob Iacovazzi, Fred Wu, Jack Xiong, Ninghai Sun
CMA: Li Yuan, Na Xu Minmin, Ronghua Wu, Xiuqing Hu, Ling Sun, Yong Zhang, Lin Chen, Yuan Li
CNES: Denis Blumstein
KMA: Dohyeong Kim
Joerg Schulz outlined EUMETSAT's plans to reprocess the Meteosat archive. This requires the development of an inter-calibration product using homogenised HIRS data as a reference, which will be based on GSICS collocation and spectral transformation methodologies. EUMETSAT agreed to draft a detailed work plan for these developments, which Tim Hewison will present this at the next GRWG meeting in March 2011, where it will be reviewed and attempts made to coordinate these artivities with related activities of other groups.
Dave Doelling presented a recent analysis of the relative calibration of the visible channels of the MODIS instruments on Aqua and Terra using a number of different techniques. All results pointed to the Aqua/MODIS instrument being more stable in time - hence it was proposed that this instrument be adopted as an inter-calibration reference for the solar band channels. Although further analysis is needed - in particular the specification of the uncertainties in the results of each method - these are awaiting the delivery of the new Collection 6 datasets from MODIS. Dave will report these results at the next joint GRWG/GDWG meeting in March 2011. Dave has also recently analysed the global distribution of Deep Convective Clouds and will circulate his paper on this subject that was presented at a recent SPIE meeting.
Tim Hewison reviewed feedback from potential users of a new GSICS product proposed at last month's web meeting - using Common Reference Channels. It is clear that these products would be useful for some applications, although this highlights the fact that different GSICS products may be useful for different applications and clear guidance is needed for users. This topic will be discussed further at the next joint GRWG/GDWG meeting in March 2011. It will also be reviewed at a dedicated web meeting in mid-2011 and at the next GSICS Users' Workshop, which is expected to take place at the
EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, which will be held in Oslo, Norway in September 2011.
Hiromi Owada presentedan analysis of recent trials at JMA of the GSICS Correction applied to the Clear Sky Radiance Product from MTSAT. Although it is not clear whether positive impacts could be expected from the implementation of this correction in an NWP system, the importance of working together with the NWP data assimilation community was stressed as it will allow us to check the consistency of GSICS products.
Bob Iacovazzi encouraged reviewers to provide feedback on the ATBDs as part of the GSICS Procedure for Product Acceptance as soon as possible!
TimHewison - 09 Dec 2010