GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2018-07-18

1100-1230 UTC

GSICS Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting


  1. Introductions, old business, action items - Ralph Ferraro (NOAA/NESDIS) - 5 min
  2. Updates/plans on specific actions - Tony Reale, Manik Bali (NOAA/NESDIS) - 15 min
  3. Ideas for NRT microwave inter-calibration products - Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - 10 min
  4. CEOS WGCV and GSICS interactions - Cheng-Zhi Zou (NOAA/NESDIS) - 10 min
  5. Microwave Humidity Sounder FCDR for the Copernicus Climate Change Service - Timo Hanschmann (EUMETSAT) - 15 min
  6. Data Assimilation of MW measurements at CMA - Qifeng Lu (CMA) - 15 min
  7. Microwave radiometry at CLS: ground processing, instrumental monitoring and atmospheric parameter retrievals - Bruno Picard (CLS) - 15 min
  8. Wrap up - Ralph Ferraro/Qifeng Lu - 5 min


Ralph reviewed outstanding action items and noted that most from the 2017 Annual meeting were closed. Time was then spent on discussing one on-going activity that Isaac Moradi is leading (e.g., performing an RTM intercomparison study). Key to this activity is having a co-located data set of GRUAN and satellite; Tony Reale and his team are going to provide NOAA-20 ATMS TDR/SDR data colocated with GRUAN.

Tony provided a more detailed summary of his activities with GRUAN (see his slides). It was stated that this procedure through the RiVAL program at NOAA (supports N-20 checkout), will be used for both ATMS and CrIS, but the colocations for the IR will be more challenging due to clouds.

Many of the new actions resulting from the 2018 Annual Meeting were assigned to Manik and involve "best practices"; Manik reviewed these (see his slides) and presented some first steps (i.e., defining SNO parameters for the various MW channels). Ensuing discussion suggested that the best practice for SNO not just focus on the SNO parameters, but the process that determines them, as the application will dictate this (e.g., NRT vs. climate). Viju will also provide some background papers as to what SNO parameters were used for AMSU-B/water vapor channels. We also learned via Rachel that GPM X-CAL does not use SNO.

Tim presented a straw man for NRT GSICS products for microwave imagers (see his slides). The proposal was broadly supported by MWSG. Qifeng is interested in leading this activity - stressed importance of international coordination and potential interaction with NWP as a transfer reference for inter-calibration. Tim to draft outline of proposed activity and circulate before presentation at WGCV plenary in August. Tim also presented some material about the potential for a gap in MW imagers and that an action will be passed to the GSICS MWSG to organize a session (at a meeting of relevance?) on the topic, presumable prior to CGMS-47 (May 2019).

In order to foster closer collaboration with CEOS WGCV, Cheng-Zhi (re)presented a summary from the joint meeting held between the two groups two years ago (see his slides). He noted that WGCV is better suited for specifying pre-launch activities whereas GSICS post launch. One of the new actions from the 2018 GSICS annual meeting is to work with Xialong Dong's group on developing an ISO standard for MW sensors. Qifeng indicated that he has a close interaction with Don'g group and will follow up with him in the near future.

Bruno Picard, a new member of the MWSG, gave a nice overview of the broad range of microwave activities at CLS - including use of microwave radiometers to perform atmospheric correction for altimeters. Future models will include additional channels at higher frequencies (including in non-protected bands). CLS performs routine monitoring of sensors - the MWSG would like to learn more about these (see his slides and also an action below).

Timo Hanschmann, another new member, presented a nice overview of the MW humidity sounder FCDR that is under development for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (see his slides). He also noted that for this work, their SNO requirements were 5 km, 5 min and within 5 degrees of nadir. He also requested NOAA focal points for ATMS, and the names of Quhana (Mark) Liu and Lihang Zhou were passed along to him.

We unfortunately ran out of time so we will hear from Qifeng (who Ralph announced as the MW Subgroup vice-chair) at our next meeting.


Guest Chair: Ralph Ferraro (NOAA/NESDIS)

CLS: Bruno Picard

CMA: Qifeng Lu, Shengli Wu

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Viju John, Timo Hanschmann, Sante Laviola

JAXA: Misako Kachi

JMA: Masaya Takahashi

KMA: Jun Park

NASA: Rachael Kroodsma

NOAA: Ralph Ferraro, Manik Bali, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Tony Reale


Ralph to send out doodle poll in early September for next meeting in late September.


A.GMW.20180718.1: Manik to obtain and determine SNO parameters for all MW channels but also work with a smaller tiger team to plan some sensitivity studies for NRT vs. climate SNO.

A.GMW.20180718.2: Tim and Qifeng to develop circulate strawman for MW imager NRT products and will present this at CEOS WGCV meeting at EUMETSAT in late August.

A.GMW.20180718.3: Ralph to follow up with Mitch Goldberg (NOAA rep on CGMS and also GSICS EP chair) about expectations for the MW imager gap meeting.

A.GMW.20180718.4: Qifeng and Cheng-Zhi to co-lead activities with WGCV/X. Dong.

A.GMW.20180718.5: Bruno to provide the group with URL's for CLS sensor monitoring and relevant papers

Topic revision: r16 - 01 Aug 2018, ManikBali
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