Review of MSG-1/4 IASI A/B product
On 4/30/2019 EUMETSAT petitioned GCC to make their product MSG1/4 IASI A/B Operational.
Application of GPPA
MSG-1/4 -IASI-A/B are four products , some of these were in Demo and some not even on the product catalog. We initaited the GPPA after, Tim indicated that these belong to family of instruments and are candidate for assigning Op maturity.
The plan was to apply GPPA in two parts. First apply family of instruments ( went to GPAT who recommended Pre-Op maturity) which would bring them all on the Pre-Op maturity status.
Upon reaching the Pre-Op maturity (upon a satisfactory remediation of the product and documents) seek consent from GPAT and Chairs to assign Op-maurity
Upon the recommendation of the GPAT and Chairs, this product has been accepted in the Pre-Operational phase earlier following the family of the instrument clause of the GPPA.
Following product/document remediation (report attached) ) recommendation to be assigned Op maturity would be sought.
GPPA Steps to make product Operational from Pre-Op Stage
- Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to the Executive Panel regarding the Product.
- Who: GCC Director
- Due: Two weeks after the Product enters the Pre-operational Phase.
- Notification sent on 6 May 2019 to GPAT members
- Executive Panel review of the GPAT recommendations. Executive Panel feedback regarding the product sent to the GCC Director.
- Who: GSICS Executive Panel
- Due: Six weeks after being notified
- GPAT recommendation discussed in the GSICS EP meeting. Executive Panel recommended GCC Director to move ahead.
- GCC Director notifies the Product provider about the Executive Panel feedback.
- Who: GCC Director
- Due: Two weeks after receiving feedback from the Executive Panel
- N/A
- Complete documents associated with GPAF Sections III.2.C (Analysis software documentation), III.2.D (Product version control plan), III.3.B (operations and distribution plan), and III.3.C (data user's guide) and submit the documents to the GCC.
- Who: Product provider
- Due: Three months after entering the Pre-operational phase
- Documents available on the EUMETSAT website and accessible via links on the GSICS Product Catalog
- Examine the submitted documents (product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and data user's guide).
- Who: GPAT
- Due: One month after GCC received the documents
- Documents already examined by GPAT and reviewed and remediated during the GPPA process for the family of instruments
- Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following the Executive Panel and GPAT feedback.
- Who: Product provider, GCC Director
- Due: One month after receiving feedback
- Remediation applied
- GPAT reviews the remediation material and decides if the requirements are now satisfied. Sends final recommendations to the GCC Director.
- Who: GPAT and GCC Director
- Due: Thee weeks following the conclusion of the document remediation period.
- Documents remediated (Updated Uncertainties for MSG 1/4 provided in Uncertainty documents on 1 July 2019. See here)
- GCC Director notifies the Executive Panel that the product has satisfied all the requirements for entering the Operational Phase.
- Who: GCC Director
- Due: One week following the GPAT review.
- Consent from EP Chair and EP Vice Chair received
- GCC Director (Larry Flynn) Declares product Operationa
GPAT and GRWG/GDWG Chair Response
Scott: GRWG Chair's consent
8:55 PM (26 minutes ago)
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to Likun, me, Lawrence, Tim.Hewison |
I agree on promoting the EUMETSAT MSG 1/4 - IASI A/B to Operational status.
GSICS IR Subgroup Chair Likun Wang
Likun Wang - NOAA Affiliate
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10:38 AM (3 minutes ago)
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Hi All:
I totally agree that EUMETSAT MSG 1/4 - IASI A/B products should be operational as they are.
On Monday, July 15, 2019, Peter Miu <> wrote:
Morning Manik and others,
Sorry for the delay in replying.
In my view, the product has reached Operational Maturity and should enter the Operational phase.
GRWG Chair
On Sunday, May 12, 2019, huxq <> wrote:
I agree that the new member of the reference instrument family should be accepted by GSICS community after it is confirmed as the similar accuracy as the previous according to the commissioning test and calibration monitoring.
So MSG1/4 Vs IASI-B product for acceptance and assigning Pre-Op maturity is ok for me.
Sorry for my delaying response due to my business travel.
Re: Your Consent on Assigning Operational Maturity to MSG 1/4 - Vs IASI A/B product
data-hovercard-id='' data-name='' id=':lw_1-e' name=':lw' src='' />GPAT Member from JMA ( Arata Okuyama)
Fri, Jul 12, 5:23 AM (1 day ago)
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Hi Manik,
Thanks for sharing the document for reviewing process (msg1_4_remediation.docx) and Tim's product assessment reports.
It reminded me the GPPA process.
I have no objection to proceed the MSG-1/4 products to the next step.
The web page,, is also nice for us to follow the reviewing process.
GPAT Member and GDWG Chair:
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 10:17 PM <> wrote:
> Hi Manik,
> I have no objection to the promotion of all the SEVIRI-IASI GSICS
> Corrections to
Operational Phase, but I would like to kindly propose you
> to ask all the GPAT members to provide their thoughts. I would like to
> avoid any decisions on GPPA behind closed doors.
> Regards,
> Masaya
GRWG Vice Char:
Fangfang Yu (May 7, 2019)
Hi Manik,
I concur that these products (MSG1/4-IASIA/B NRTC and RAC) are in the family of instruments of MSG-3/IASI one which had undergone the careful GPAT pre-op/op review procedures year ago. Therefore I agree and approve them to the pre-op maturity level.
GPAT Member: Peter Miu (5/13/2019)
Hi Manik,
I apologise for the delay in replying, I had urgent tasks that needed to be completed in the last weeks.
From my understand, the products are in an existing format generated from ATBDs used for the same products from other EUMETSAT Satellites.
If this is the case, then bringing them to operational status should not be too difficult , is this correct?
If so, can we ask EUMETSAT if it is possible to take necessary actions to bring these products to the op status?
This would avoid the configuration changes mentioned by Tim.
RE: Reply by 8May 2019: Your consent on acceptance of MSG1 -IASI A/B RAC and NRT in Pre-Op Phase
Dear all,
As Manik correctly says all the EUMETSAT candidate Operational GSICS Products are currently being uploaded to our GSICS Server in the “Operational” directories. Technically these should be in the
PreOp directories, but as they are all being generated by the same operational processing chain that would mean additional configuration changes, which I would like to avoid.
Meanwhile, my old prototype code is still running in our development environment and the results uploaded to the “Demonstration” directories to allow longer time series to be generated – e.g. for the Prime corrections.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Re: Your consent on acceptance of MSG1 -IASI A/B RAC and NRT in Pre-Op Phase
data-hovercard-id='' data-name='' id=':m0_115-e' name=':m0' src='' />
Mon, May 6, 12:04 AM (1 day ago)
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to me, ashim, Dohy, Fangfang, Larry, Likun, Tim,  |
Fangfang Yu - NOAA Affiliate
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1:45 PM (23 minutes ago)
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to me, Masaya, Tim  |
Hi Manik,
I concur that these products (MSG1/4-IASIA/B NRTC and RAC) are in the family of instruments of MSG-3/IASI one which had undergone the careful GPAT pre-op/op review procedures year ago. Therefore I agree and approve them to the pre-op maturity level.
Re: MSG-4 SEVIRI Versus IASI-A/-B Products accepted as Pre-Operational
Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal <>
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Tue, May 29, 2018, 4:26 PM
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to Mitch, Kenneth, Ge, pierre.tabary, ashim, kiran, kachi.misako, kaz-kamide, Dohyeong, James, eric.shirley, chunosov_ao, Ксения, Александр, Gregory, Toshiyuki, Philippe, Kurtis, me,, Likun, Tim, Xiuqing.Hu, Peter  |
Dear EP Members and Group and Subgroup Chairs,
I am happy to announce that MSG4/SEVIRI versus IASI-A/-B IR intercomparison products (near real time corrections) have been accepted as Demonstration GSICS products under the family category extension. We are compiling information to request promotion to Pre-Operational and will be sending that request to the EP for consideration in the near future.
Lawrence Flynn, GCC Director
Tim Hewison of Eumetsat has provided, and the GRWG and GDWG Chairs and the GCC Deputy Director have confirmed, the following information regarding the products:
1. MSG-4 SEVERI belongs to the same family as MSG-2/-3 SEVERI.
2. The ATBD and the User Guide that were submitted for MSG-2/-3 are same as those for this product.
3. The Product (Metadata and variables) are same as the MSG-2/-3. Channels have same names and nominal central wavelengths, but slightly different SRFs and band correction coefficients (alpha and beta). The products will work as inputs to the GSICS plotting tool
4. They are now being continuously generated with the same algorithm and through the same operational processing chain as the MSG-2/-3 products. The products are produced regularly on the server and accessible to the public on the EUMETSAT GSICS Server:
5. They have been validated as part of the initial commissioning and subsequent destorage tests for MSG-4.
The EP gave GCC Director the discretion of acceptance of products in Demonstration Phase – abeyance of the requirement in submission of the documents lies with the GCC Director.
The EP gave GCC Director the discretion of automatic acceptance of products in Demostration Phase for products that fall under the “family category”.
Tue, May 7, 1:45 PM (6 days ago)
, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0px;'>
to me, data-hovercard-id='' data-hovercard-owner-id='22' dir='ltr' style='vertical-align: top;'>Masaya, Tim |
Hi Manik,
I concur that these products (
MSG1/4-IASIA/B NRTC and RAC) are in the family of instruments of MSG-3/IASI one which had undergone the careful GPAT pre-op/op review procedures year ago. Therefore I agree and approve them to the pre-op maturity level.
EP Consent-----------------------------------------------
Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal <>
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Thu, Jul 18, 11:21 AM
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to Mitch, Kenneth, Toshiyuki, 张鹏, Tabary, Philippe, Mark.Drinkwater, ashim, rajkumar, kachi.misako, msasaki, Dohyeong, James, Eric, chunosov_ao, Ксения, Александр, 丁雷, Gregory, Kurtis, me, Xiuqing.Hu, Tim, Fangfang, Likun.Wang, Masaya, Peter |
Forwarded message ---------
Mitch Goldberg - NOAA Federal <>
Date: Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: OVERDUE: Petition for Promotion of MSG(1&4) SEVIRI versus Metop(A&B) IASI to Operational Maturity
To: Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal <>
I also promote it. Thanks
Sent from my iPhone
Kenneth Holmlund <>
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Tue, Aug 6, 5:31 AM
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to Lawrence, Mitch, Toshiyuki, 张鹏, Tabary, Philippe,, ashim, rajkumar, kachi.misako,, Dohyeong, James, Eric, chunosov_ao, Ксения, Александр, 丁雷, Gregory, Kurtis, me, Xiuqing.Hu, Tim, Fangfang, Likun.Wang, Masaya, Peter |
I support the petition.