GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2017-10-12, 1100 UTC
GSICS Web Meeting on Microwave Sub-Group
- Welcome and general business - Ralph Ferraro (10 min)
- Old Actions
- Updates from the functional area teams?
- New Members
- Status of 2017 GDWG+GRWG Action Items (45 min)
- Action GMW2017.6a.1 -"Checking on the Uniformity of Sounding Channels With the Moon” - Martin Burgdorf
- Actions GMW2017.6c.1 and 6c.2 - Feasibility of FCDR's as products - R. Ferraro
- Action GMW2017.6f.1 - MW Sensor Inventory - R. Ferraro
- Action GMW2017.6f.2 - GRUAN - T. Reale
3. Science/Agency Reports (30 min)
- AMSR-2 status - M. Kachi (JAXA)
4. AOB, wrap up, next meetings, etc. (5 min)
A quick review of ongoing actions from the Topical Area Leads included Rachel and Jun adding in information on the Microwave "Workspace" and Cheng-Zhi noting continued progress in developing LUT's between ATMS and AMSU CDR (Oxygen).
The majority of the meeting focused on several of the action items the resulted from the 2017 Annual GDWG+GRWG:
- Martin updated us on the progress on using lunar calibration for AMSU; he showed how RFI can be characterized, e.g., on NOAA-16. The results are encouraging and are quite stable. Good discuss afterwards as well.
- Ralph gave an update on two actions associated with looking into the feasibility of using mature FCDR's, or aspects of them, for GSICS. He reported on progress a "tiger team" has made on these actions (Ralph, Masaya (GDWG), Manik, Cheng-Zhi, Karsten):
- Still struggling with precise user needs - we need to redo the user requirements questionaire and target multiple user groups within the GSICS agencies
- With the advent of ICDR's, these corrections may in fact meet near real time corrections for the GSICS community
- Ralph also reported on the MW sensor inventory. He received some input from Thomas Holmes, Wes Berg and Jun Park (via OSCAR). Jun populated the initial matrix, we still need to flesh out exact parameters we would like to see; Tim suggested that the terms are clearly defined. Ed suggested we follow up with Dave Kunkee who was part of a working group that helped define MW sensor parameters.
- Tony updated on GRUAN, and mentioned that "targeting" for MW sensors, e.g., noting when exactly the satellites will fly over the GRUAN stations, etc. is a better approach than regular SNO. Need agency buy-in for MW.
We had an agency report from Misako Kachi (JAXA) on AMSR-2, which summarized the current status of the sensor (working well), summarized the most recent sensor calibrations, and discussed the status of a follow-on sensor (still under formulation at JAXA).
Action Items
- Update the Microwave Wiki Workspace further (ALL)
- Redefine and issue GSICS MW user requirements (Manik, Ralph, Karsten, Cheng-Zhi, Masaya)
- Contact Dave Kunkee regarding MW sensor definitions (Ed Kim)
- Try to get a NOAA commitment to support SNO/GRUAN and GPSRO colocation "targeting" for MW sensors (Ralph and Tony)
- Continue to refine MW sensor matrix (Ralph, Jun)
- Next meeting in December of January (Ralph); potential speakers include Cheng-Zhi (ICDR/ATMS) and agency reports (CMA-Scott?)
Guest Chair: Ralph Ferraro
CNR:Sante Laviola
ECMWF:Heather Lawrence
EUMETSAT:Tim Hewison, Karsten Fennig
JAXA:Misako Kachi, Takahashi Maeda
JMA:Masaya Takahashi
KMA:Jun Park, Dohyeong Kim
NASA:Rachel Kroodsma, Ed Kim
NOAA: Ralph Ferraro, Cheng-Zhi Zou, Manik Bali, Tony Reale
University Affiliates:
Martin Burgdorf, Alexander Bobryshev, Johnny Luo, John Yang
RalphFerraro - 09 Sep 2017