GRWG Microwave Sub-Group Web Meeting 2018-05-22, 1100 -1230 UTC

GSICS Web Meeting on Microwave Sub-Group


1. Welcome, new members and general business - Ralph Ferraro (5 min)

2. Actions from last meeting - most seemed to have been closed so we won't discuss this time...

3. Status of OPEN 2017 GDWG+GRWG Action Items (ALL - 20 min)
  • GMW2017.6f.2 - GRUAN - T. Reale
  • GMW2017.6g.1 - MW RTM comparison - I. Moradi
4. Outcome of the 2018 GRWG+GDWG meeting and new actions - R. Ferraro (35 min)

5. Science/Agency Reports
  • MW Data Assimilation at CMA and connection to GSICS - Q. Liu (15 min)
  • MW radiometer constellation/gap - T. Hewison (15 min)
6. AOB, wrap up, next meetings, etc.


Ralph introduced a new member to the group, Timo Hanschmann from EUMETSAT. Timo mentioned his role in the Copernicus project and his focus on reprocessing of MW water vapor data at the 183 GHz band. He will give a future presentation on his activities.

Most of the old actions have been closed, aside from the two noted below, and of course, new ones assigned at the 2018 GRWG/GDWG annual meeting, which is the focus of the meeting.

Status of OPEN 2017 GDWG+GRWG Action Items
  • GMW2017.6f.2 - GRUAN - T. Reale - NO UPDATE (Tony could not make the meeting)
  • GMW2017.6g.1 - MW RTM comparison - I. Moradi - Isaac is about ready to do some comparisons with RTTOV and CRTM, awaiting some GRUAN colocations from Tony Reale. We'll work on getting this moving forward.
Ralph spend quite a bit of time reviewing the 2018 Annual meeting and feedback received on MW activities (from plenary talk) and what ensued during the half-day MW dedicated session. Manik also described his presentation on MW best practices. Details are provided in Ralph's slides. Some key points include:
  • GSICS was encouraged by the activities of the group, including the GRUAN and GPSRO activities
  • They would like to see some true deliverables over the next year
  • Qifeng Lu (CMA), is now the vice-chair of the MW subgroup. He leads the DA activities at CMA
  • The MW session was well received, with several speakers from CMA and SITP.
  • Several new actions were assigned to the group, many related to the development of best practices for MW data. These are detailed on Ralph's slides and see actions below
We then had two science talks planned, however, Qifeng Lu (CMA) could not make the meeting (in fact, he was confused on the date because it was actually 1 day later in his time zone!). Tim Hewison spoke about the current and future status of the microwave radiometer constellation (details in his slides). Some key points included:
  • This topic has been raised by several other groups such as CGMS, CEOS and even at national science meetings
  • Should GSICS MW group consider a strategy to mitigate the risk of gaps in the MW imager constellation?
  • The gaps vary depending upon the key observation frequencies, i.e., few sensors have 6 GHz channels and may not in the future?
  • Can MW sounders offer some help? For precipitation, they have been.
  • How feasible is it for the international community to rely on sensors from China and Russia as mitigator? It was noted that in the US, Chinese data are embargoed from government facilities but can be used by academia.
The meeting was closed and the next meeting is anticipated in the July time frame.

Action Items

  • Ralph to convene a "tiger team" to address several of the best practices actions assigned at the 2018 annual meeting
  • Ralph to assign leads to the other 2018 annual meeting actions.
  • Ralph will organize next meeting for the second half of July. Potential science speakers include Qifeng, Timo and Bruno Picard.
  • All - as suggested by Manik, the Wiki Workspace should be updated with papers, publications, techniques that are viable candidates for best practices.


Guest Chair: R. Ferraro




EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Viju John, Vinia Mattoli, Timo Hanschmann




JMA: Masaya Takahashi

KMA: Jun Park, Minju Gu



NOAA: Ralph Ferraro

University Affiliates: Martin Burgdorf, Rachel Kroodsma, Manik Bali, Isaac Moradi, John Yang

-- RalphFerraro - 02 Apr 2018

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
3g_Ferraro_GRWG_MW_Subgroup.pptxpptx 3g_Ferraro_GRWG_MW_Subgroup.pptx manage 8 MB 02 Apr 2018 - 16:31 RalphFerraro Ferraro MW presentation in the plenary session
MW-SubGroup-22May2018.pdfpdf MW-SubGroup-22May2018.pdf manage 2 MB 22 May 2018 - 00:18 RalphFerraro Ferraro Main Slides
MWI_Gap_Mitigation.pptxpptx MWI_Gap_Mitigation.pptx manage 2 MB 22 May 2018 - 09:29 TimHewison  
Topic revision: r8 - 26 May 2018, RalphFerraro
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