GRWG Web Meeting 2019-12-10
GSICS VIS/NIR Web Meeting on Planning 3rd Lunar Calibration Workshop
- S. Wagner (EUMETSAT) – Summary of the 2nd Lunar Calibration Workshop - Xi'an 2017
- S. Wagner (EUMETSAT) / T. Stone (USGS) – Potential Topics for the 3rd Lunar Calibration Workshop + discussion
- S. Wagner (EUMETSAT) – Model inter-comparison exercise + discussion
- S. Wagner (EUMETSAT) – Workshop organisation (timeline, potential place, etc).
As an indication, the following sessions are suggested and were discussed:
- Measurements and Moon observations: towards SI traceability
- ESA project with sun photometers
- High-altitude aircraft measurements by NIST (Air-LUSI project)
- NIST Mauna Loa project
- ARCSTONE/CLARREO/Truth/etc. as a follow-on of the workshop on SI traceability
- New measurements campaigns + potential for expending to spectral range?
- GSICS Lunar Observation Dataset
- Model development:
- Current status of the ROLO + GIRO / traceability + updates
- Related activities (reference solar spectrum, etc.)
- New models, including radiance models
- Interest for developing models for new regions of the solar spectrum
- Instrument monitoring using lunar calibration
- VIS/NIR - status provided by the various agencies participating, with potential issues
- Microwave
- Inter-calibration (depending on progress)
- Alternative usages of lunar imagery
- MTF (project led NOAA)
- Any other topic.
Guest Chair: S. Wagner (EUMETSAT)
CMA(?): Zhang Yu
ESA: Maciej Neneman, Marc Bouvet
EUMETSAT: S. Wagner, T. Hewison
JMA: Arata Okuyama
KMA: Tae-Hyeong Oh, Minju Gu
NASA: Constantine Lukashin, Lawrence Ong, Truman Wilson, Stephen Brown
NIST: Stephen Maxwell
NOAA: Taeyoung ("Jason") Choi, Manik Bali, Fangfang Yu, Fred Wu
USGS: Tom Stone
AIST: Masataka Imai, Toru Kouyama
ESS: Matthijs Krijger, Ralf Snel
State University of New York: Mustafa Aksoy
- Actions from 2nd Lunar Calibration Workshop will be reviewed at 2020 GSICS Research Working Group meeting
- Call for Papers for mini conference style sessions should include polarisation requirements for Observations and Models
- Poster submissions should be encouraged
- Presenters should be encouraged to split contributions related to lunar observations and models fitted to them as far as possible
- The following should be added to the list of invited presenters: Toru Kouyama (AIST), Thijs Krijger (ESS), Lawrence Ong (NASA) (as backup to Hugh Kieffer)
- Lunar Irradiance Model inter-comparisons based on synthetic datasets was identified as a key activity of the workshop. Thijs Krijger (ESS) and Marc Bouvet (ESA) offered to contribute to this.
- Developing GSICS products for all VIS/NIR channels of GEO imagers is key to providing support for ISCCP-NG. This would be possible using lunar observations and will be discussed further at the 2020 GSICS Research Woking Group meeting.
- A separate session was proposed to address Geometric Aspects, including MTF, Stray light/Ghosting/Cross-talk, Band-to-band registration, with contributions from Truman Wilson, Fred Wu and others.
- Workshop Dates:
- 4 days in single session is preferred format
- November/December 2020 is preferred timescale - to be finalised by chairs (e.g. using Doodle)
- Provisional timeline was presented
- Extension to other spectral regions could include thermal infrared as well as microwave - preferably in single parallel session - if possible within 4 days - will follow-up with MWSG
A.GVNIR.20191210.1: Seb Wagner (EUMETSAT) to consider how to share GLOD
A.GVNIR.20191210.2: Tom Stone (USGS) to check whether CNES can make PLAIEDES data available in GLOD
A.GVNIR.20191210.3: Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) to coordinate with GSICS Microwave Sub-Group to define microwave/thermal session
A.GVNIR.20191210.4: Seb Wagner (EUMETSAT) to finalize dates for the workshop by end Jan 2020