GSICS EP-21 Preparatory Meeting.

Chair Mitch Goldberg, NOAA

This year the Final GSICS EP-21 meeting would be a virtual meeting held on 18-19 May 2020.To support this meeting a Preparatory meeting has been called to discuss the topics that need to put up at the final webmeeting.

A draft agenda of the GSICS EP sent out by Ken Holmlund is here

Template for Subgroup Presentation click here

Template for Agency Presentation click here


Arata Okuyama (JMA)

Misako Kachi (JAXA)

Dave Doelling, Jim Butler (NASA)

Werner Balogh, Heikki Pohjola , Guaxin He (WMO)

Kamaljit Ray and Ashim Mitra ( IMD)

K. Yamada (JMA)

Peng Zhang, Scott Hu (CMA)

Ken Holmlund and Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT)

PRadeep Thapliyal and Raj Kumar (ISRO)

Mitch Goldberg, Lawrence E Flynn, Likun Wang, Manik Bali, Robbie Iacovazzi, Mark Lu (NOAA)

Phillippe Goryl (ESA)

Dohy Kim, Minju Gu (KMA)

Main Conclusions

Logistics Presentation Submission
  • Please send your presentations and cc them to Werner Balogh, Mitch Goldberg and Ken Holmlund
Expected attendees:
  • EP Members (GRWG and GDWG Chairs, GCC)
  • Subgroup Chairs (GIR, GMW, GUV, GNIR) are expected to participage in the meeting and present summaries of their subgroup activities
  • Report on State of Observing system be presented.
On State of Observing System Report
  • Agency report templates are available on WMO website ://
  • Contributors to the State of Observing Report can take the last years report as a template and update. The report from last year is herefor
  • IMD to reformat their contribution to include L1 intercomparisions to the State of Observing System report.
  • ISRO to provide their inputs ( intercomparision with IASI and CrIS)

A.GCC.20200508.1: GCC to work on putting together the State of Observing System Report.

Additional topics for EP-21 Meeting

1. Integration with WIGOS

Outcomes of the GSICS Users Workshop

a) Reaching out to the Small Sat community

Best practices for GSICS Support to Small Sat, Collaborations , Discussions on Small Sat the CGMS plenary

b) Reaching out to Users

Sharing Lunar data, Engaging with users ISCCP/ICWG, Climate Users (Peng Zhang and Ken would discuss offline and summarize at EP)
Topic revision: r5 - 12 May 2020, ManikBali
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