GRWG/GDWG IR Group Monthly Web Meeting 2022-12-08


  1. Likun Wang (UMD & NOAA Affiliate): Preparation for GSICS Annual Meeting IR session
  2. Martin Jörg Burgdorf (University of Hamburg): Cross Calibration Between CrIS and HIRS With the Moon
  3. Fred (Xiangqian) Wu (NOAA): GOES-18 IR calibration
  4. Manik Bali (UMD & NOAA Affiliate): Proposal for New Class of GSICS Products


NOAA: Likun Wang, Xiangqian Wu, Fangfang Yu, Hyelim Yoo, Manik Bali

EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison, Dorothee Coppens, Seb Wagner

JMA: Arata Okuyama, Kazutaka Yamada, Kazuki Kodera

KMA: Euidong Hwang,

University of Hamburg: Martin Jörg Burgdorf

ESA: Stefano Casadio


1. Likun Wang (UMD & NOAA Affiliate): Preparation for GSICS Annual Meeting IR session

Likun Wang talked about preparation of 2023 GSICS annual meeting for IR session. The GSICS Annual Meeting 2023 will be held in a hybrid mode via the web and in-person at the NCWCP in College Park, MD, USA from 27 Feb to 3 March 2023. He proposed several related topics and planned to send out an email to call presentations soon. Please contact me if there are the presentations in your organizations of you find any topics related to this group.

Tim Hewison (comments): He proposed to discuss the common practice for hyperspectral inter-calibration algorithm during the annual meeting.

2. Martin Jörg Burgdorf (University of Hamburg): Cross Calibration Between CrIS and HIRS With the Moon

Martin presented a study using the Moon as a transfer target to inter-calibrate CrIS and HIRS. He first talked about the lunar model of calculating the radiances when the Moon in the HIRS and CrIS FOVs. Using the model, he compared CrIS and HIRS at SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR bands.

Likun Wang (Q): How do you deal with the situation when the moon is at the different position in the FOVs? Moon is small but the FOV size of IR sensors is relatively big.

R: If the MOON is fully contained in the sensor FOVs, based on the model simulation, the radiances are constant.

Dorothee Coppens (comments): For the IASI data, we only collect the data for the full moon case. It is only 10% of the Moon data.

The ideas of having a session during the annual meeting or have special web meeting on Moon calibration for IR session are discussed. The related studies should be invited.

Dorothee Coppens (Q): How do you get the deep space view to calibrate the Moon observations?

A: Use the space view before and after the Moon observations.

4. Fred (Xiangqian) Wu (NOAA): GOES-18 IR calibration

Fred Wu briefed the calibration status for the IR bands of recently launched GOES-18 ABI. He compared the noise and calibration accuracy between GOES-16, 17 and 18. He also mentioned some issues on current GOES-18, such as bar-code noise at some channels.

Tim Hewison (Q): Is the barcode noise the part of 1/f noise?

A: We can’t rule it out, but it is not the top candidate.

Arata Okuyama (Q): Does the barcode noise only exist for GOES-18?

A: Yes. Only GOES-18.

Arata Okuyama (Q): Ask again for PICA slides.

Likun Wang (Q): What is the difference between striping and bar-code noise upon a physical view?

A: The striping is horizontal direction and caused by the different response of the detectors. But the bar-code noise has a vertical structure and may be caused by other factors.

4. Manik Bali (UMD & NOAA Affiliate): Proposal for New Class of GSICS Products

Manik discuss the proposed new Class of GSICS Products. He first introduced the background and history about that.

Fangfang Yu (Q): How big size of inter-mediate the data?

A: it is dependent on how to define them and what are included.


Action: A.GIR.12082022: (GDWG) to Manik Bali to and work with Tim and provide a prototype new class of the products before the annual meeting, and report back to the team.

Web Meeting Information

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Meeting ID: 824 398 9578
Passcode: gsics

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GOES-18 ABI IR Validation Status.pptxpptx GOES-18 ABI IR Validation Status.pptx manage 70 MB 14 Jan 2023 - 16:45 XiangqianWu GOES-18 ABI IR Cal Val Status
GSICS_MOND.pdfpdf GSICS_MOND.pdf manage 3 MB 13 Jan 2023 - 06:12 LikunWang  
Wang_GIR_Subgroup_20221208.pptxpptx Wang_GIR_Subgroup_20221208.pptx manage 73 K 13 Jan 2023 - 06:42 LikunWang  
new_class_products_followup.pptxpptx new_class_products_followup.pptx manage 372 K 13 Jan 2023 - 06:13 LikunWang  
Topic revision: r6 - 23 Jan 2023, TimHewison
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