Space Weather Sub-Group Web Meeting 2023-06-15


  1. Scope of GRWG space weather sub-group (draft)

  2. Working plan (draft)

  3. AOB

  4. Space Weather Subgroup meeting 15 June 2023

    Nagatsuma-san presented the scope and work plan in the attached PPT presentation. The attachment contains all updates as agreed in the meeting.

    • It was agreed that ground-based observations may be considered in the inter-calibration activities where needed to help calibrate space-based sensors.
    • No well-defined on-orbit calibration reference exists, but some sensors are considered more reliable
    • Group needs to understand intended usage of the GSICS products in order to align work plan accordingly.
    • Managing the usage of GSICS products and their validity through configuration control mechanism (ensuring coordination between end-user usage of a GSICS products and providers of the data) needs to be addressed (general GSICS issue also applicable to other applications).

A.GSW.20230615.1: Larry Flynn/Manik Bali will assemble background documentation on the GSICS processes and products (Wiki, introductory presentation, GSICS products catalogue etc.)

A.GSW.20230615.2: Hugh Evans to propose wording on the Work Plan to refine the target of defining a GSIC product into specific outputs: E.g. Initial GSICS deliverable (not requiring full definition of formats etc.); harmonised data levels, etc.

Next steps and timeline:

o Nagatsuma-san will report the agreed scope and work plan to the GSICS Executive Panel which will take place in the coming weeks.

o Initial definition of the GSICS product inputs (and remaining items defined in the Hugh Evans action above) should be available for the GSICS Annual Meeting taking place in Feb/March 2024.

A.GSW.20230615.3: All subgroup members requested to review scope and Work Plan prior to its presentation at the GSICS Executive Panel, 29 June.

Topic revision: r2 - 16 Jun 2023, ManikBali
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