GSICS Space Weather Web meeting
Actions from previous meeting
GSICS-EP-23 Jun. 29-30, 2023@JMA(Tokyo)
Scope of GRWG space weather sub-group (confirmed)
Working plan (confirmed)
Status Report from the members (if any)
Suggested action items
Actions from Previous Meeting (see attached)
- Action: Larry Flynn/Manik Bali will assemble background documentation on the GSICS processes and products (Wiki, introductory presentation, GSICS products catalogue etc.).
- CLOSED by Email from Manik Bali on 16 June 2023 (attached).
- Action: Hugh Evans to propose wording on the Work Plan to refine the target of defining a GSICS product into specific outputs: E.g. Initial GSICS deliverable (not requiring full definition of formats etc.); harmonized data levels, etc.
- Action: All subgroup members requested to review scope and Work Plan prior to its presentation at the GSICS Executive Panel, 29 June.
GSICS-EP-23 Jun. 29-30, 2023@JMA(Tokyo)
- Non-GSICS member experts can be invited to join.
- Action : Request Ingmar Sandberg to join (ESA, Piers&Hugh)
Scope of GRWG space weather sub-group (confirmed)
- Scope agreed, no comments.
Working plan (confirmed)
- 1. It was discussed whether meteorological inter-calibration analysis is only performed on archived data (for subsequent, controlled application to NRT data), or whether this is some kind of inter-calibration algorithm running in NRT which can dynamically affect the data being output to users. If the latter, there is some concern that this could lead to unannounced changes in data products which may impact user applications. Andrew discussed this post-meeting with Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) – his reply follows :
- a. For the GEO imagers, we have NRT products, which are produced based on a time series of data until the previous day. We have to assume the calibration is sufficiently stable that these are still applicable. But we also have “Re-Analysis” products, which are routinely products, but with a 14-day lag, to allow symmetric smoothing window to be applied to the collocations.
- b. There are other GSICS products which are more like calibration correction to support the generation of FCDRs – e.g. using reprocessed data.
- c. The concern about dynamically modifying the data with unannounced changes is a very real one. For that reason, we have not (normally) replaced the operational calibration coefficients with ones derived from GSICS algorithms. Instead, we provide calibration corrections (or alternative calibration coefficients) as auxiliary data files through GISCS servers. In the case of SEVIRI and FCI, we also have the ability to include these in the L1 products as alternative calibration coefficients to make it easier for users to apply. We are currently investigating the possibility to include this functionality in the SatPy readers.
- 2. The possibility of producing multi-satellite (from different agencies) applications was raised by Nagatsuma-san based on inter-calibrations. Piers Jiggens was wondering how that would be managed contractually,. Andrew reqested feedback from Tom on examples from the meteorological applications. Tim’s reply :
- 2. So far, GSICS member agencies have (normally) been responsible for the calibration of their own instruments. Of course, we cannot spot other people generating calibration products for them – and may even choose to endorse or adopt those. But our idea in GSICS was to all implement the same algorithms – albeit with tweaks to optimise for our purposes.
Status Report from the members (if any)
- Jim Spann is moving from NASA to NOAA, but will continue to support this subgroup.
- Jim may be able to propose a NASA delegate for this subgroup
- Delegates from non-member organizations are encouraged to join.
- *Action :prepare a workshop including non-member participants aiming around September 2024*
Suggested action items
- ESWW and AOSWA discussion meeting agendas should include 3rd action on applications using multiple satellite data
- Goal to include the work of this subgroup in the quarterly GSICS newsletter to promote the activities. Likely to need to wait until workplan is more mature.
- European Space Weather Week ESWW discusion meetings on Mission design, space weather infrastructure standards as well as CGMS work to improve data access could be of interest to the participants.
- GSICS annual meeting will take place 11-15th March 2024
- *Next GRWG SWx subgroup meeting on 8 November at 12 :00 UTC*