Space Weather Sub-group meeting 2024-02-14

  1. GSICS Annual Meeting 2024 (2024/03/11-15)
  2. Space Weather Session in GSICS Annual Meeting
  3. Review report on PRBEM Data Analysis Procedure by NOAA
  4. Action Items
  5. Next sub-group meeting
  6. AOB


GSICS Annual Meeting 2024/03/11-15

Darmstadt 11-15 March 2024. Hybrid. SW session March 12 1230-1600 UTC

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Space Weather Session in GSICS Annual Meeting

Current status: several in-person and remote participants

Hugh: either Piers or Hugh will attend in person. Jesse will attend remotely.

Clarified that there will be two NOAA presentations, one on SEP calibrations (B. Kress) and one of radiation belt (A. Boudouridis)

Who can introduce the gitlab discussion? ESA can introduce the session. S. Bourdarie or P. O'Brien could discuss ONERA IRBEM library.

Most ESA material will be covered by I. Sandberg

Requests each member org to present review of PRBEM calibration procedure - short presentation - 5 minutes.

Review Report on PRBEM Data Analysis by NOAA

Hugh asked whether it is due to conjunction requirements. Brian: yes

Brian: NOAA reviewed the document carefully to identify differences. Go to main point on p. 6.

Need to quantify variations over L*-B/Beq.

Need to quantify field model inaccuracies.

Main point is 4th bullet: Brian ran TS05. L* does not go below 6.1 during quiet times, may get such conjunctions during disturbed periods but violates another condition.

Get L* = 5.8-6.6 for range of 15-60 deg equatorial pitch angle.

Existing document may apply to satellites at lower L*, needs to be reviewed by others. Need supplementary criteria for situations like GEO.

Hugh: is it a starting point for establishing a cross-calibration procedure? Can it be adapted?

Brian: Yes, we believe it is a starting point. May need to modify criteria. For example, III.2. May need to look at directional fluxes - may run into problems using omnidirectional fluxes. Should quantify model uncertainty by running different models.

Nagatsuma: difficult problem to solve. Currently have a wide selection of magnetospheric models that are driven by solar wind. OPQ77 is stable.

Hugh: for specs, often deal with omnidirectional fluxes. Anisotropy does not strongly affect spacecraft radiation effects. Start with first order approach, tweak later.

Ingmar: in most cases, we don't have directionality from radiation monitor, therefore have to restrict to omnidirectional case. Agree that need to test with more sophisticated magnetic field model. This aligns with the fact that we relax the Kp condition for the highest energy electron fluxes, which may be inconsistent with OPQ77.

Nagatsuma: GOES observes magnetic field. Any possibility of improving model with observations? Brian: need global model. Juan: pitch angles from observations vs. model.

Nagatsuma: need to understand uncertainty of measurement.

Brian: send comments and questions to NOAA (Kress, Boudouridis, Rodriguez)

Action Items

1. Define GSICS product: Hugh - ongoing

2. Method of archival intercalibration: closed, based on Piers' recent presentation and ongoing discussion

3. Data levels: Have ESA, NOAA, CMA definitions. Waiting for information from other agencies. Application using multi-satellite data: ongoing

4. Compare methods to PRBEM: ongoing

5. Darmstadt meeting: Names to invite: Discussed earlier in this meeting.

6. Darmstadt meeting: Agenda: Discussed earlier in this meeting.

7. Decision point on intercal method: Discussed earlier in this meeting, to be discussed in Darmstadt.

8. New action item from Larry Flynn: almost all the member institutes have registered the focal point of Space Weather. Jesse will follow-up with email to all concerned.

Next Meeting

Middle of May, date to be discussed in Darmstadt.



CMA: Cong Huang

ESA: Hugh Evans

EUMETSAT: Andrew Monham

NICT: Tsutomu Nagatsuma (chair)

NOAA: JUan Rodriguez (Note taker), Brian Kress, Athanasios Boudouridis, Christian Naylor, Manik Bali

SPARC: Ingmar Sandberg

WMO: Jesse Andries
Topic revision: r2 - 22 May 2024, TsutomuNagatsuma
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