ISRO INSAT-3D - IASI-A (NRT)cross calibration product

Product submitted to GCC for review on 4/17/15

Products are available via

Documents and Data



3. Two sample data files ( Imager Sounder).

These are attached to this email.

GPPA Checklist for ISRO for (NRT) INSAT -3D IASI-A IR Channels








1 §I Product Provider Information Product provider


§II.1 Brief Product Description
§II.2 Product Scope within GSICS
§II.3 Product function and performance specifications
§III.1.A.1 Adherence to GSICS file naming standard
§III.1.A.2 Adherence to GSICS file format convention
§III.1.B Preliminary ATBD
2 Submit GPAF and preliminary ATBD
to GCC Deputy for review to GPAT
Product provider t2=2015-09-02

Determine if GPAF filled out correctly.

Decide if product ABTD is adequate. Decide if product within GSICS scope.
GPAT t2+6wk
4 GPAT feedback given to Product provider GCC Director t3+1wk
5 Upload sample file to GSICS data server Product provider
GDWG Chair
Done for Imager Sounder
6 Determine if sample file follows GSICS conventions GDWG Chair t5+2wk
7 Remediate any GPAF issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider,
GCC Director


Received 3 reviews

1. Ashim Mitra

2. Fangfang Yu

3. Masaya Takahashi ( Comments pasted below)

GPAT Reviews taken care of

Product enters Demonstration Phase

GCC Director

EP requested “123” docs:

1. Impact report and

2. Product validation report

3. alt. cal coeffs val report

3 not relevant

Related emails stated below



                      Product Accepted in Demo Phase in GSICS

      Memo of GCC Director (Lawrence E. Flynn) to GSICS EP

GCC Director t8+2wk
10 Arrange routine upload of Product to a GSICS data server
Agree on file retention policy

GDWG Chair,
GRWG Chair,
Product provider
11 Notify GSICS users and invite feedback from them GCC Director t10
12 §III.1.B Complete full ATBD - Submit to GCC Director Product provider t8+3m
§III.1.C Product traceability to standards - Submit to GCC Director
13 Review submitted documents (ATBD and product traceability to standards)

14 Remediate any document issues according to the GPAT and user feedback Product provider t13+1m
15 §III.2.A Radiative transfer models Product provider t8+6m
§III.2.B Cal/val supporting measurements
16 Examine submitted documents
(radiative transfer models and cal/val supporting measurements)
GPAT t15+1m
17 Collect and disseminate user feedback regarding product's data usability and format GCC Director t8+6m
18 Remediate any document or data issues according to GPAT and user feedback

Product provider
GCC Director
19 Make consensus decision whether to continue Product acceptance process GPAT t18+2w
20 Notify Executive Panel of status of the Product's acceptance process GCC Director t19+2w
21 §III.3.A Product Quality Documents (Uncertainty and Traceability) Product provider t8+10m
22 Examine the submitted Product Quality Document GPAT t21+1m
23 Remediate any document issues according to GPAT feedback Product provider t22+1m
24 Once all issues are resolved, Product enters Pre-operational Phase GCC Director t8+1y


25 Send notification and GPAT Product recommendations to Exec Panel GCC Director t24+2w
26 Exec Panel review GPAT recommendations and send feedback to GCC Director Exec Panel t25+6w
27 GCC Director notifies Product provider about Executive Panel feedback GCC Director t26+2w
28 §III.2.C Analysis software documentation Product provider t24+3m
§III.2.D Product version control plan
§III.3.B Operations and distribution plan
§III.3.C Users' Guide
29 Examine submitted documents + Provide feedback
(product version control plan, operations and distribution plan, and user's guide)
GPAT t28+1m
30 Remediate any documentation and overall product issues following Exec Panel and GPAT feedback Product provider t29+1m
31 Review remediation material and decides if requirements are now satisfied.
Send final recommendation to the GCC Director.
GPAT t30+3w


32 GCC Director notifies Exec Panel that product has satisfied all requirements to enter Operational Phase GCC Director t31+1w

Reviewer comments of ISRO-GSICS product

Dohyong Kim ( Chair GRWG)

From : Dohyong Kim 25 April 2017

Hi Manik

I would like to congratulate ISRO on their progress of their INSAT-3D - IASI product, and I appreciate Manik for your cooperation.

It is good for INSAT-3D product to enter Demonstration Phase. And please find the attached slightly edited one.

Best regards


RE: Status of Review of ISRO-GSICS product


Tim Hewison

Apr 7


to me, pkthapliyal, m_takahashi, Dohyeong, Dohyeong, Lawrence, munnvinayak, Peter


Hi Manik,

Thanks for forwarding this information. I would like to commend ISRO on the good work putting all the information together.

In short, I am happy for these products to enter Demo Phase.

However, I am not the GRWG chair – so maybe you should check with Dohyeong.

The only additional points I picked up on a quick review:

  1. 1. It should be emphasised that only NRTC products are generated.
  2. 2. The band correction coefficients may need to be renamed for any future RAC products to work in the GSICS plotting tool – Masaya/Pete can advise further.
  3. 3. The channel_name variables do not need to start with “IR” – you can use the full name (e.g. tir1)

Original Message-----

Sent: 05 April 2017 06:25
To: Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate <>
Cc: Dohyeong Kim <>; Dohyeong Kim <>;
Lawrence E Flynn - NOAA Federal <>; munnvinayak
<>; Peter Miu <>; Pradeep
Thapliyal <>; Tim Hewison
Subject: Re: Status of Review of ISRO-GSICS product

Hi Manik and all,

> In summary GRWG Chair ( Tim Hewison ) has given the green light while
> GDWG chairs have suggestion some revisions before product eing accepted.

I have commented several concerns on the netCDF contents in 2015, but no
need to solve them before the products enter Demo-Phase.

As long as I remember, Tim, Fangfang and I asked 1) ISRO's plan to submit

Re-Analysis Correction in addition to Near Real Time Correction and 2) to
add instrument name(s) to the ATBD title.


Manik Bali - NOAA Affiliate <>


to Dohyeong, ashim, Fangfang, Masaya, Peter, Tim, Dohyeong, Pradeep, Lawrence, Jerome, Peng, Mitch

Dear Dohyeong , Pradeep, Tim and GPAT members,

This email is intended to inform members ( and Dohyeong because he would be involved in this process very soon) about the status of the review of the ISRO-GSICS INSAT-IASI cross calibration product that was submitted for review to the GCC.

GCC received filled out GPERF forms from Pradeep Thapliyal along with sample data files in April. We sent it out the product for review on 17 April 2015 to the GSICS Product Acceptance Team ( GPAT) members. GPAT Members diligently made the review and sent back the forms and their comments that were cced to Pradeep also.

As per the GPPA, the GRWG Chair and GDWG Co-chairs have to give a final go ahead to the product to be included in GSICS fold.

In summary GRWG Chair ( Tim Hewison ) has given the green light while GDWG chairs have suggestion some revisions before product being accepted. There are comments too that need to be addressed.

I am pasting Pradeep's email for your reference ( in response to the comments on ISRO's product). This email indicates that ISRO would be submitting a revised product that is acceptable to GDWG Co Chairs.

Upon receiving the GDWG Cochair's ok the review would move to the next steps i.e
  1. Remediate any GPAF issues according to the GPAT feedback.
    • Who: Product provider, GCC Director
    • Due: Within 20 days after sending GPAT feedback to the Product provider
  2. Once all issues are resolved, the product enters the Demonstration Phase.
    • Who: GCC Director in consultation with the GPAT
    • Due: Within 90 days of the GPAF submission

PS: I wanted to bring all on the same page. Let us know if any missing bits here. .

Fangfang Yu - NOAA Affiliate <>


to me, Xiangqian, Lawrence

Hi Manik,

Thanks for the update. To encourage/promote more GSICS products, I have no problem with ISRO's product in the demo phase with some minor revisions in the package documents. However, there are some issues which GPRC/GCC and EP need to be aware of for the further promotion.

1). Shall the ISRO's Imager and Sounder products be considered as two products or one product - one ATBD for two different series of instruments.

2). How to define the "harmonized" GEO-LEO products, considering that ISRO currently does not apply the similar viewing geometry matching criteria like the other agencies.




Ashim Kumar Mitra <>


to me

Dear Dr. Manik,

As per the details given by ISRO products, at this stage I am agreeing the product. The only concern are which I have raised earlier (in mail) must be addressed/satisfied in later stages.



Dr. A.K Mitra


New Delhi

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Ashim_mitra_Preliminary review of.docxdocx Ashim_mitra_Preliminary review of.docx manage 15 K 06 Apr 2017 - 15:45 ManikBali Ashim Mitra Review
GSICS_ISRO_INSAT3D_IASI_ATBD_2014.pdfpdf GSICS_ISRO_INSAT3D_IASI_ATBD_2014.pdf manage 949 K 06 Apr 2017 - 13:06 ManikBali ATBD
GSICS_ISRO_INSAT3D_IASI_ATBD_demo_reviewcomments.docxdocx GSICS_ISRO_INSAT3D_IASI_ATBD_demo_reviewcomments.docx manage 10 K 06 Apr 2017 - 15:38 ManikBali Fangfang Recommendations
ISRO_GSICS_GCC_GPAF_V01.2.docdoc ISRO_GSICS_GCC_GPAF_V01.2.doc manage 354 K 06 Apr 2017 - 15:39 ManikBali Fangfang_GPAF_Recommendation
ISRO_INSAT-3D_iasi_acceptance_decision.docxdocx ISRO_INSAT-3D_iasi_acceptance_decision.docx manage 24 K 01 May 2017 - 18:15 ManikBali GCC Director E-mail to EP
Masaya_review.docxdocx Masaya_review.docx manage 15 K 06 Apr 2017 - 16:14 ManikBali Masaya initial review
W_IN-ISRO-Ahmedabad,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR,INSAT3D+IMAGER-MetopA+IASI_C_DELI_20141002000000_demo_01.ncnc W_IN-ISRO-Ahmedabad,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR, manage 6 K 06 Apr 2017 - 13:08 ManikBali  
W_IN-ISRO-Ahmedabad,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR,INSAT3D+SOUNDER-MetopA+IASI_C_DELI_20141030_demo_01.ncnc W_IN-ISRO-Ahmedabad,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR, manage 6 K 06 Apr 2017 - 15:03 ManikBali Sounder Sample Data File
Topic revision: r8 - 26 Mar 2018, ManikBali
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