Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
Joint07_01R | GDWG is encouraged finding a common web meeting tool EUMETSAT seems to be willing to provide their WebEx service. | Main.GDWG | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-10.27 | Circulate the proposed GSICS fact sheet to Executive Panel members for comments. | Main.WMO(Lafeuille) | 01 Oct 2011 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.01 | EP Chair to establish a Task Force to review issues and propose actions towards improving accessibility of in-situ observations of test sites | Main.EPChair(Goldberg) | 01 Nov 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.13 | EP Chairman and WMO to encourage EP members to volunteer as EP vice-chair in advance of EP-13 | Main.EPChair(Goldberg)+WMO(Lafeuille) | 01 Oct 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.19 | WMO (J. Lafeuille) to circulate to the EP and GRWG and GDWG and GCC, a questionnaire to seek input regarding the long-term Vision of GSICS. (In advance of the 1st WEBEX meeting on 1-08), with a view to at least discuss a draft vision at EP-13. | Main.WMO(Lafeuille) | 01 Jul 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.20 | WMO (Jer\xF4me Lafeuille) to circulate the draft outline of the revised GSICS Implementation Plan as discussed by EP-12, for review. | Main.WMO(Lafeuille) | 15 Jun 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.21 | All Panel members to review and comment on the draft outline of the GSICS Implementation Plan | Main.EPmembers | 31 Jul 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.25 | CNES and NIST to notify their new representation in GSICS | Main.CNES+NIST | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GUW-13.01 | GRWG Chair (Tim Hewison) considers formation of new UV GSICS subgroup with input from NASA Langley TEMPO group. | TimHewison | 01 Sep 2013 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GUW-13.01 | Executive Panel to discuss if the GSICS scope should be expanded to include the operational calibration alerting system. | Main.Exec, Main.Panel | 01 Jun 2014 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GWG_13.8 | NASA to provide CLARREO papers to GCC for distribution on the GSICS wiki. | Main.Exec, Main.Panel | 01 Jun 2014 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GRWG06_16 | Compile a list of existing activities concerning composite satellite imagery - See CompositeSatelliteImagery | AllGPRCs_to_EUMETSAT(Hewison) | 01 Jun 2011 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GRWG06_17 | Find out time overlaps between geostationary satellites (commissioning and operational periods), find out about the availability of such data and publish this information on the GSICIS Wiki - EUMETSAT response (2015-07-13) - Action Modified in 2015: J\xE9r\xF4me will support this action through OSCAR. - Action transferred on 2016-01-13 to GDWG, who will coordinate it. | GDWG.Chair | 01 Dec 2011 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GRWG07_08 | X. Liang to present the NWP bias monitoring for ATSR and MODIS in the next GRWG meeting in 2013 - Xingming presented results for MODIS at 2014 GRWG meeting. Plans to include ATSR have been dropped, so we close the action. | Main.NOAA(Liang | 01 Mar 2013 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-10.18 | NOAA (Mitch Goldberg) and EUMETSAT (Tim Hewison) to liaise with the SCOPE-CM Pilot Projects (1), (3) and (5) respectively, in order to better understand their needs and facilitate the finalization of the Statement of Needs. - Propose we close this action, as requirements now taken up by new SCOPE-CM projects. [TimHewison, 2015-01-23] | Main.EPChair+GRWGChair | 01 Aug 2011 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-11.03 | WMO to facilitate discussions with ECMWF and ROSHYDROMET/SRC (A. Uspensky) Planeta to explore potential monitoring of MTVSA-GY data to help characterize sensor anomalies. (Update: Discussions held with ECMWF in March 2011. But Roshydromet was not there. Keep open until CGMS-40 EP-13) | Main.WMO(Lafeuille) | 01 Mar 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-11.07 | Invite rep. of climate community (e.g SCOPE-CM EP Chair and GEWEX-RP Chair) for an Executive Session to be organized in conjunction with the next Users' Workshop. Update: Being planned | Main.EPChair(Goldberg)+WMO(Lafeuille) | 01 Aug 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.02 | to update the GPPA in including two exempt clauses with a view to allow proceeding with pre-operational phase | Main.GCC(Yu) | 01 Jul 2012 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.03 | EUMETSAT, NOAA and JMA are urged to complete the necessary steps to submit their LEO-GEO IR product to the GPPA for pre-operational status in advance of the fourth GSICS Users\x92 Workshop and WMO CBS | Main.EUMETSAT+NOAA+JMA | 01 Sep 2012 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.08 | GCC to consider the 53 users that registered under potential \x93betatesters\x94 and seek their active involvement | Main.GCC(Yu) | 30 Jun 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.10 | USGS to add the Russian Federation sites of Petergof and and Voeikovo to the USGS catalogue of worldwide test sites for sensor characterization. | Main.USGS(Chander) | 30 Jun 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.11 | WGCV Chair to contact A. Uspensky to investigate suitability of Petergof and and Voeikovo test sites to support CEOS Cal/Val activities. | Main.WGCV, Main.Chair, Main.(Stensaas) | 30 Jun 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.14 | GRWG to invite ISCCP to present their findings at next joint meeting (2012-09-01) - ISCCP were invited, but declined. | Main.GRWG | 01 Sep 2012 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.16 | IMD to request USGS (G. Chander) include the Jaisalmer test site in the USGS catalogue of worldwide test sites for sensor characterization | Main.IMD | 30 Jun 2012 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.18 | ESA (Bojan Bojkov ) to report at GRWG on its survey on the state of the art for geolocation issues, and on ESA activity on this subject - The action is still open as the implementation of the project addressing this issue was delayed by nearly 18m due to the 2012 ESA ministerial. I however expect to close this action by the end of the year and I will be very happy to report about it within GSICS. [B. Bojkov 2014-02-20] | Main.ESA(Bojkov) | 01 Mar 2013 | open | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
EP-12.23 | NOAA (Fuzhong Weng) to explore possibility to hold a GSICS session during the NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference (8-12 April 2013, Miami) | Main.NOAA(Weng) | 01 Nov 2012 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GUW-13.01 | Tim Hewison to send Mat Gunshor the EUMETSAT documents on the change of METEOSAT radiance definition in 2008. | TimHewison | 01 Jun 2013 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GUW-13.1 | All GPRCs to consider inviting members of IMD/ROSH as visiting scientists to help implement GEO-LEO IR ATBD and communicate possibilities to EP Chair by 1 July 2013 . | TimHewison | 01 Jun 2013 | closed | edit |
Action Ref. | Description | Assigned to | Due date | State | |
GWG_13.49 | KMA is encouraged to continue developing their GPRC website and take into account the agreed minimum content requirements | ManikBali | open | edit |