Deliverable 2: GEO LEO IR Collocation netCDF (Intermediate data) by Masaya Takahashi (m_takahashi (AT) , JMA1.Objective of the Deliverable ( e.g...
Main.ManikBali 11 Jul 2014 Each Quarter the GSICS Coodination Center at NOAA, NCWCP publishes a GSIC Quarterly Newsletter. This newsletter is a key publication
u GSICS Annual Meeting 2021 /u Welcome to the GSICS Annual Meeting 2021 !!!! This year the GSICS Annual meeting is a virtual meeting. The meeting would be 29 Ma...
Defining GSICS products and Deliverables and their acceptance criterion By Manik Bali and Lawrence E Flynn Introduction In order to open the gates for acceptanc...
Main.ManikBali 12 Jan 2016 This page contains summary of GPPA for GSICS Products Review of GSICS MSG 2/3 IASI product
Deliverable 3: Spectral Response Functions used in GIRO by Masaya Takahashi (m_takahashi (AT) , JMA 1.Objective of the Deliverable ( e.g why the...
Welcome to the GSICS Wiki This wiki is a place of collaboration for those involved with the Global Space based Inter Calibration System ( GSICS). GSICS is a W.M.O...
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