GRWG Web Meeting 2011-12-13
GSICS web meeting on lunar calibration
- Dohyeong Kim (KMA) - COMS lunar observation
- Sebastien Wagner (EUMETSAT) - Extracting Meteosat lunar observations
- Fangfang Yu (NOAA) - Lunar Calibration of GOES Visible Channel
- Tim Hewison (EUMETSAT) - Topic of next web meeting
CMA: Ling Sun, Yuan Li, Min Min, Chen-Li
EUMETSAT: Tim Hewison (Chair), Sebastien Wagner, Marianne Koenig, B J Sohn (visiting scientist from Seoul National University)
JMA: Yoshihiko Tahara, Kenji Date, Yuki Kosaka, Ryuichiro Nakayama, Arata Okuyama
KMA: Dohyeong Kim
NOAA: Fangfang Yu, Bob Iacovazzi, Fred Wu, Mike Grotenhuis
Good progress was presented on applying the ROLO lunar irradiance model as a calibration reference for the solar band channels of Meteosat/SEVIRI, GOES and COMS geostationary imagers (see presentations above for details). Outstanding issues include accounting for fully accounting for the solid angle of the instruments Field of View, Point Spread Function and stray radiation, radiometric noise (particularly the impact on the space view radiance). Further work is also needed to investigate the sensitivity of the instruments calibration to other factors, such as scan mirror angles, instrument temperature.
The group greatly appreciated the support provided by Tom Stone (USGS) in applying the ROLO model and enthusiastically welcomed the proposal for USGS to develop an internet-based service to provide integrated lunar irradiances on demand customised for each particular instrument/channel, date/time and viewing geometry. GRWG would like to encourage USGS to develop such an application for the benefit of all GSICS members and, ultimately, users as it would provide an excellent, stable inter-calibration transfer reference, independent of the Earths atmosphere, for the constellation of environmental satellites with channels in the reflected solar band. The Executive Panel are invited to take note of the great potential of such a contribution from USGS to GSICS.